Our processor / CPU comparison helps you to compare two CPUs. We use benchmark results from Cinebench R20, Cinebench R23 and Geekbench 5 as well as the FP32 raw performance (GFLOPS) of the iGPU.
CPU Benchmark - Explore our processor benchmarks from over 4914 models. CPU Benchmark comparison helps you to compare two CPUs. Our benchmarks are updated daily.
Created with Highcharts 7.2.0CPU BenchmarkAMD Ryzen Threa… [Dual CPU] Intel Xeon Platinum … [Quad CPU] Intel Xeon Gold 6142MAMD Ryzen 9 PRO 3900[Dual CPU] Intel Xeon E5-2698 v4[Dual CPU] Intel Xeon Platinum 8160T[Dual CPU] Intel Xeon Gold 6144[Dual CPU] Intel Xeon E5-2697 v3...
Looking for your best next computer processor or just want to compare CPUs head to head? CPU-Comparison is the best CPU compare tool in the world trusted by millions of users, help you find out which one is better and see the differents.
clock speeds, cache sizes, and architecture types. Check benchmarks for tasks you use, like gaming or rendering. Consider power consumption and thermal design (TDP). Also, ensure compatibility with your motherboard and RAM. Comparing these factors helps you find the processor that fits your need...
Fire Strike and CompuBench OpenCL benchmarks Intel Celeron 6305 100% AMD Ryzen 3 3200G 99% AMD Ryzen 5 3400G 98% AMD Ryzen 3 2200G 97% AMD Ryzen 5 2400G 96% Popular processors CPU and iGPU benchmarks AMD EPYC 7773X 100% ...
average benchmark values of some internal and external reviews. Furthermore, the list can be sorted and filtered by the user. More detaillied informations on the different processor series can be found in our comparison of mobile processors. Note, that there are also some desktop processors ...
All of today's desktop CPU benchmarks compared, including Intel's 13th-Gen Core series and AMD's Ryzen Zen 4 and Threadripper.
Best Integrated Processor Fire Strike and CompuBench OpenCL benchmarks AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 99% Intel Core i5-11260H 95% Intel Core i5-11500T 85% Intel Core i7-1160G7 100% AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 100% Better overall performance CPU benchmarks ...
To easily compare desktop and laptop processors, as well as CPU specs & benchmarks, click here and discover the Versus CPU comparison tool.