Q-Fan Control(F6) 這個按鈕位在功能表列的上方,用來顯示風扇現在的設定.使用這個按鈕來手動調 整風扇至您想要的設定值.您可以按下 鍵開啟此選單. 請參考 2.3 Q-Fan Control(Q-Fan 控制)一節以獲得更多資訊. 8 PRIME / ProArt / TUF GAMING Intel 700 系列 BIOS 使用手冊 AI OC Guide 這個按鈕位在...
图6:Thermal Velocity Boost,点进去 前四个,关闭(如果是prime和tuf则只有三个) 图7:cpu缓存最小倍频输入4x~5x(根据cpu体质和开关小核决定,13代体质好可以给50-52。12代如果开小核则不能高于小核。ring倍频与cpu频率最少不能低于0.3G) Actual VRM Core Voltage(12代没更新bios则叫Cpu Core Cache Voltage) ...
ASUS原话说:用户可以开启CPU Spread Spectrum选项来降低供电的EMI干扰提升系统稳定性。如果CPU VRM switching Frequency没有设置为“Manual”(手动)而且CPU Power Phase Control没有设置为Extreme时,CPU超频频率较高时依然建议开启CPU Spread Spectrum来提升系统稳定性。关于CPU Spread Spectrum(CPU扩展频谱)可以在BIOS系列教...
(or denying) the existence of a real problem and providing accurate technical feedback to ASUS. It seems that a trivial mod to the "bupdater" DOS tool (currently V1.24) to completely eliminate the BIOS version-check would be a simple fix to the problem. (It would NOT be wise to add ...
意思是CPU 内部的温控功能 也就是温度控制 还有问题去社区留言bbs.sztonghe.com 或者群 19001114
It seems very strange to me that NONE of the BIOS programming tools provided by Asus with the P8Z68-V Pro will permit a BIOS downgrade. I build high-performance PCs and my personal experience of errors creeping into BIOS upgrades has not been very good. The ability to user-d...
如果发现像ThrottleStop这样的软件无法调整电压,可以在BIOS里打开隐藏选项,切换到高级选项卡(语言为英语时则是Advanced),然后进入“Power & Performance”-“CPU - Power Management Control ”-“CPU Lock Configuration”。 图10 CPU Lock Configuration 选项 ...
就目前来看,无论使用Intel还是AMD的CPU,已很少使用热敏电阻测量CPU表面温度了,所以BIOS与检测软件所显示的CPU温度都是指CPU的核心温度。而在Pentium Ⅱ以前,CPU温度通常是指表面温度;Pentium Ⅱ及以后的CPU内都集成有热敏二极管,所测量温度就是核心温度。不过,在过渡期内许多主板上仍在CPU插座下面保留了热敏电阻,这样...
Now you’re ready to update your BIOS. Shut off your PC, but leave it connected to power. Plug your USB drive into the slot marked BIOS, and then press the BIOS Flashback button for three seconds until the Flashback LED blinks three times. This will indicate that the...
曾经非常老款主板上 CPU 中间的方格空挡中还能见到热敏电阻,那个就是用来感知 CPU 温度的。但精度并不...