opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1200000000>; opp-microvolt = <1000000 1000000 1200000>; opp-microvolt-L0 = <1000000 1000000 1200000>; opp-microvolt-L1 = <975000 975000 1200000>; opp-microvolt-L2 = <950000 950000 1200000>; opp-microvolt-L3 = <925000 925000 1200000>; clock-latency-ns = <40000...
1、 opp-shared :表示 opp-table1 是小核的各 CPU 共用。2、 rockchip,temp-hysteresis :迟滞参数,防止频繁进入高温或低温,单位:毫摄氏度。3、 rockchip,low-temp :低温阈值。小于该值时,进入低温,大于‘该值+迟滞参数’时,恢复常温。4、 rockchip,low-temp-min-volt :低温下最低电压...
policy->suspend_freq = dev_pm_opp_get_suspend_opp_freq(cpu_dev) / 1000; ret = cpufreq_table_validate_and_show(policy, freq_table); cpufreq_table_validate_and_show()里面找到CPU支持的最大和最小频率 int cpufreq_frequency_table_cpuinfo(struct cpufreq_policy *policy, struct cpufreq_frequency...
operating-points-v2 = <&cpu_opp_table>; cpu-idle-states = <&CPU_SLEEP &CLUSTER_SLEEP>; #cooling-cells = <2>; dynamic-power-coefficient = <311>; }; 即在内核中cpu也被抽象成了一种设备,并且可以为其配置一系列的参数。其中reg即用于配置其硬件id,而其它参数将会在后面相关模块中逐步介绍。
Hi team, I am using the imx6qsabresd custom board , there I am getting the error like below, cpu cpu0: Empty OPP table [ 5.130455] cpu cpu0: OPP
1cpu0: cpu@0{2compatible ="arm,cortex-a53";3device_type ="cpu";4enable-method ="psci"; /* 启动方式选择 PSCI */5operating-points-v2= < &cpu_opp_table >;6reg = <0x0>;7cpu-idle-states = < &CPU_SLEEP_0>;8}; 并且有一个 PSCI 的节点: ...
cpu0_opp_table: cpu0-opp-table { compatible = "operating-points-v2"; opp-shared; opp-408000000 { opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <408000000>; opp-microvolt = <950000 950000 1340000>; clock-latency-ns = <40000>; opp-suspend; status = "disabled"; ...
5operating-points-v2 = <&cpu_opp_table>; 6reg = <0x0>; 7cpu-idle-states = <&CPU_SLEEP_0>; 8}; 并且有一个 PSCI 的节点: 1psci { 2compatible ="arm,psci-1.0","arm,psci-0.2","arm,psci"; 3method ="smc"; 4cpu_suspend = <0x84000001>; ...
generic_bL_probe接口很简单,以dt_bL_ops为参数,调用bL_cpufreq_register接口,注册cpufreq driver。dt_bL_ops是一个struct cpufreq_arm_bL_ops类型的变量,提供两个回调函数,分别用于获取cluster切换之间的延迟,以及初始化opp table,后面用到的时候再介绍。