linuxopenclcudawindows-10minergpu-minerethosgpu-miningcpuminersolo-miningnvidia-minergpuminingigpu0xbitcoinhiveosamdminer UpdatedDec 8, 2022 C# cpu-pool/cpuminer-opt-cpupower Star29 Code Issues Pull requests Optimized multi algo CPU miner for CPUchain, Uranium-X, Cranepay, Yenten ...
NiceHash Miner is aneasy to use CPU & GPU cryptocurrency miner for Windows. With a simple an intuitive graphical user interface it allows you to quickly turn your PC, workstation or server intomoney-making cryptocurrency mining machine. Why leave your computer idle, whereas it couldearn you Bit...
cpuminer -bash -c 1 -t 2 -M stratum+tcp:// ID 14687 cpuminer installed by root. does anybody have ideas how these 'miners' can install software on server as...
A Trojan, in this case, it's a background miner that uses 'COM Surrogate', and the reason MS Defender can't find because the file path was excluded for scanning. Follow the instructions in this video, this might helps you Video Link --
Cryptonight and variants are no longer supported, use another miner. Neoscrypt crashes on Windows, use legacy version. AMD CPUs older than Piledriver, including Athlon x2 and Phenom II x4, are not supported by cpuminer-opt due to an incompatible implementation of SSE2 on these CPUs. Some algos...
The values could be changed usingdconf-editorby navigating throughorg > freedesktop > Tracker > Miner > Files: After this changes, it ishighly recommendedto cleanup the database to reclaim some lost space on the disk: tracker-control -r ...
“CPU” column under the Details tab. From here, you can see all running programs sorted by CPU usage. If you see a program that’s using a noticeably high amount of CPU — especially if you don’t recognize it — then it may be malware or a crypto miner, and it’s time for an...
Most likely a CPU miner based in the Radeon browser. Funny how it stopped when I mentioned it 2 days ago? 0 Likes Reply tqing12 Journeyman III 01-15-2020 10:42 PM Hi, finally I found out how to fix it. Just create a folder called "Radeon ReLive" in your...
xmemapp and cpucooler are custom builds of XMRig version 2.3.1, an open-source Monero CPU miner. The author added functions to de-obfuscate some strings and send feedback to a server: Postback::sendPostback(std::string const&); Utils::Utils(); Utils::encdec(std::string); Utils::exe...
The values could be changed using dconf-editor by navigating through org > freedesktop > Tracker > Miner > Files: After this changes, it is highly recommended to cleanup the database to reclaim some lost space on the disk: tracker-control -r