CPU Load-line Calibration [Level 6] and SVID Behavior [Best-Case Scenario] - are they safe? 2,627 Views woopsie Level 9 02-23-202402:26 AM I have Asus Maximum Z790 Hero motherboard. Are the following settings in the BIOS safe for daily use with i9-13900KS CPU?
http://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?5835-ASUS-Rampage-IV-Extreme-UEFI-Guide-for-OverclockingIt will explain the settings better than most other places. Set Clock gen filter to enabled DO NOT raise Bclck nor change CPU strap (leave at 100) Digi-Power control options: Set CPU Load-...
进入“External Digi+ Power Control”,来设置防调压。 “CPU Load-line Calibration”一共有8个等级,等级越低,高负载下电压下降越厉害。此项设置每一款主板都不太一样,需要玩家自行摸索。对华硕Maximus XI Hero主板而言,Level 8就是刚刚好不降电压的防掉压等级,建议使用此主板的玩家在超频时直接设置为Level 8。
Make "any changes" CPU LLC (Load Line Calibration) all stress testing fails. Tried a manual V-core from 1.235v thru 1.40v. with changes to CPU LLC. With and with out with out Enhanced Intel Speed Step, C-States Auto, Disabled, Enabled. ...
CPU Load-Line Calibration:防掉压选项。CPU在高负荷工作下会自动降低电压来保护CPU寿命。有些主板的Level1或者Level7是反的,你可以多试试,打开CPU-Z跑一下压力测试,如果电压没有降低或者很少降低,那么CPU防掉压就生效了。有的时候超频稳不稳就是那么千钧一发,电压高一点,电压低一点就是不一样,当然,温度一定要控制...
同时我还修改了"DIGI+ VRM"中"CPU Load-line Calibration"的策略,从原本的"Level 7"降低到了"Level ...
CPU Load-Line Calibration:CPU防掉压设定,开启后CPU电压更稳定。 CPU/NB Load-Line Calibration:CPU-NB电压防掉压设定,同上。 CPU Spread Spectrum:CPU频率浮动,为了超频稳定,关闭此选项。 PCIE Spread Spectrum:PCIE频率浮动,同上。 --- 集成显卡超频设定: Internal Graphics Mode:UMA为共享系统内存,SIDEPORT为使用板...
① CPU Load-line Calibration(即防掉压) ② Global Core SVID Voltage ③ Cache SVID Voltage ④ AC Load Line 其他影响电压的参数 ①ASUS Performance Enhancement 3.0 (开启后会将AC Load Line设置为1.3,默认1.7,如果手动设置AC Load Line,则开关此项不影响CPU电压) ...
如下图8,asus的这张主板,可以分别对CPU核心和CPU SOC进行防掉压设置,VDDCR CPU Load Line Calibration是对核心电压进行补偿(CPU超频适用),VDDCR SOC Load Line Calibration是对SOC电压进行补偿(内存超频适用),这2个选项均有5个等级(level),设置等级越高,则补偿的△电压值就越高,所以如果设置的过高,则有时会使整...
voltage at higher loads due to the electrical loadline. For auto load-line calibration on ASUS, ...