将BIOS 切换至 Advanced mode(可参考:华硕主板 BIOS 如何切换显示模式?); 依次切换至 Monitor -> Q-Fan Configuration -> CPU Fan Speed Low Limit,将其中的转速值调低,或者直接设置为 Ignore,保存退出即可。参考下图: Monitor -> Q-Fan Configuration -> CPU Fan Speed Low Limit 2.3 调整 BIOS 设置(CPU F...
“cpu fan speed error detected”的意思是检测到CPU风扇转速错误,结合图片中其他错误提示可以得出是因为CPU风扇转速太低导致硬件自检异常,BIOS给出错误提示,自检画面暂停。 出现“cpu fan speed error detected”的原因有以下几点: 1、CPU风扇质量差 CPU风扇质量差,使用时间长了之后产生老化,需要更换新的高品质风扇。
If you don't mind me asking, why is it that the fan speed needs to be ignored through the BIOS? Do they not detect aftermarket coolers?Just got all the LED's set up the other day. Speaking of those, is there a way to get the LED's to turn off when you shut the PC down?
The error occurs when your CPU fan isn’t working correctly, it’s not connected properly, or the motherboard can’t detect it. Methods Difficulty Rating BIOS Settings Rated: 3/10 Disable Control Rated: 3/10 Adjusting RPM Rated: 3/10 Reinstall Fan Rated: 7/10 Table Of Contents ...
CPU Fan error indicates the motherboard can’t detect a cooling device due to improper connection, outdated BIOS, low fan RPM, or internal fan faults. What do I do if I see the error message of the CPU fan? Properly connect the fan to the correct headers. Confirm the fan isn’t restr...
就是重启会报fan error,我在百度上也找了这个问题。一般有三种说法 1、风扇坏了,或者是线没插好 2、bios设置问题,恢复默认设置就可以 3、设置bios的power选项的hardware monitor,将CPU FAN SPEED项改成IGNORED,CHASSIS FANSPEED项改成N/A,POWER FAN SPEED项改成IGNORED。 第一种我觉得可以排除,电脑用了两年了...
Do any of you know which fans does this option reguate? By the way, for some reason, CPUID-HWMonitor couldn't detect CPU fan speed. Temp and fan report on GPU works fan. Was this reply helpful? Yes No 1 2 3 An Unexpected Error has o...
2.Check the CPU fan connections It will be impossible for your computer to detect the fan if any CPU fan cables are disconnected or connected to the wrong socket. Connectors on the motherboard supply fans with the small amounts of power needed to continue spinning and, in some cases, allow...