Products VMware Desktop Hypervisor Issue/Introduction When booting or shutting down a guest operating system, the message The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system appears.Environment VMware Workstation 4.x (Linux) VMware Workstation 3.x (Windows) VMware Workstation 3.x (Linux) ...
The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system. Power off or reset the virtual machine. Note :For additional errors and log entries, see the Additional Information section. Cause 在VMware 虚拟机中运行的客户机操作系统通过连续执行指令 CLI 和 HLT 故意停止虚拟 CPU 时可看到该错误消息。客户...
“The cpu has been disabled by the guest operating system. You will need to power off or reset the virtual machine at this point” 提示,不能安装。 我的cpu:i3 370M,笔记本cpu VMware版本:6.5.2 解决办法: 应该是笔记本cpu的原因。网上搜索之后,再加尝试,解决了。 在安装是需要设置一下: ...
在VMware里装Ubantu时出现 “The cpu has been disabled by the guest operating system. You will need to power off or reset the virtual machine at this point” 提示,不能安装。 我的cpu:i3 370M,笔记本cpu VMware版本:6.5.2 解决办法: 应该是笔记本cpu的原因。网上搜索之后,再加尝试,解决了。 在安装...
在你填加cpuid.1.eax = "0000:0000:0000:0001:0000:0110:1010:0101"的vmx文件的最后添加两行:monitor_control.restrict_backdoor = TRUE monitor_control.enable_svm = TRUE 如果不行果断换雪豹10.6.4版本
意思是"CPU封锁支持该操作系统"。安装虚拟机过程中,出现下面状况的:“The cpu has been disabled by the guest operating system. You will need to power off or reset the virtual machine at this point”编辑vmx的文件,就是开始的时候改成darwin10的那个文件,添加下面这个语句:”cpuid.1.eax...
Tags: CPUfixFix the CPU has been disabledFix The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating systemHas been DisabledHow toHow to FixHow to Fix The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating systemThe CPUThe CPU has been disabled by the guest operating systemPrevious...
1.安装过程中需要重启一次,重启后即遭遇“b0 error”。很容易在网上查到,此问题是由于磁盘分区没有被激活。用FDisk激活分区后问题解决。2.全部安装过程完成,启动系统时VMware却报告“The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system. You will need to power off or reset the virtual ...
A translation of this page exists inEnglish. Issue VMware 虚拟机任意重启,在 VMware 日志虚拟机特定日志中看到以下消息: Raw The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system. Power off or reset the virtual machine Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux (所有版本) ...