To make matter worse, in trying to find the single bent pin on the physical socket I accidentally brushed my finger against the pins in the wrong direction and bent multiple (about 5-7 I think) pins in the corner of the CPU Socket, AGGGHHH!!! (see 'main damage.jpg' below)!and an...
also there was a problem with the MB as one of the RAM slot was not working so i gave to it the service center for repair when i got back my MB there was one CPU pin that was bent and when i brought into the notice of the service centre guy they told me that it would not...
I have discovered a lot of interesting ways to solve this issue, as well as a few theories about how to repair a bent or broken motherboard header pin that people may or may not think are of help. You can read some of them that I've tried or thought of before and let me know ...
I ended up finding out I had a bent pin on the motherboard socket, this was causing an issue with DIMM #3. When I put any RAM in that slot, the motherboard wouldn't boot, but it would OC the other sticks if you only filled three of them! Myself and two other ...
检查第一个满盘测试过的元件是否有bent pin或者compound bow,参照75-0136规范中的FCPAX Burnt TIU Pogo Pin RFC. 3.当卸载完后需在工作流(workstream)中move out这个批次到下一个站点,首先进入workstream输入法命令SLDS,再根据不同的产品输入Dispatch station。比如7721的我们输入CPBICP3P或CPBICP6P输入PASS的数量和...
took out the CPU from the socket for inspection, re-apply thermal paste. After assembled the system back, it didn't turn on. At last, I figured out one of the socket PIN was bent and touched another PIN. I managed to repair the PIN. Then the system booted and worked fine, without...
The troubleshooting flowchart for motherboard, CPU and ram problems along with the explanations below are from my book, "Computer Repair with Diagnostic Flowcharts, Third Edition." The main differences with motherboard troubleshooting over the last five years involve multi-core CPUs, CPUs combined ...
That repaired bent pin may cause the system to think it is a new CPU. On an ASUS motherboard it is recommended to perform a CPU Parameter Recall, which resets the chipset, anytime you "change" the CPU. Load the BIOS defaults on the EXIT menu as Essenbe suggests. Then, power ...
In the case I was talking about, there was a bent pin on the CPU. It can happen. Surges, Power outages, heat buildup (due to dust/slow fans). I also had a laptop once with similar issue, replaced the CPU with cheap used one from ebay and brought the laptop back to life. If ...
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