Our processor / CPU comparison helps you to compare two CPUs. We use benchmark results from Cinebench R20, Cinebench R23 and Geekbench 5 as well as the FP32 raw performance (GFLOPS) of the iGPU.
Looking for your best next computer processor or just want to compare CPUs head to head? CPU-Comparison is the best CPU compare tool in the world trusted by millions of users, help you find out which one is better and see the differents.
CPU benchmarks, news, pricing and reviews, with comparative processor data to help in your next computer buy or upgrade. Keeping Score in the Processor War: CPU Benchmarks & News, Prices & Reviews[ Top CPU Scores ] [ 3.0+ GHz CPUs ] [ 2.5+ GHz CPUs ] [ 2.0+ GHz CPUs ] [ 1.5+...
参考 ^AMD Ryzen 9 5900X vs AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X - Benchmark and comparisonhttps://www...
Created with Highcharts 7.2.0CPU BenchmarkAMD Ryzen Threa… [Dual CPU] Intel Xeon Platinum … [Quad CPU] Intel Xeon Gold 6142MAMD Ryzen 9 PRO 3900[Dual CPU] Intel Xeon E5-2698 v4[Dual CPU] Intel Xeon Platinum 8160T[Dual CPU] Intel Xeon Gold 6144[Dual CPU] Intel Xeon E5-2697 v3...
CPU and iGPU benchmarks AMD EPYC 7773X 100% AMD Ryzen 7 5825U 98% UNISOC T606 96% Intel Core i5-13400 94% Intel Core i5-1235U 92% AMD Ryzen 5 5625U 90% AMD Ryzen Threadripper Pro 3995WX 88% Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 86%
CPU Benchmark - Explore our processor benchmarks from over 4914 models. CPU Benchmark comparison helps you to compare two CPUs. Our benchmarks are updated daily.
All of today's desktop CPU benchmarks compared, including Intel's 13th-Gen Core series and AMD's Ryzen Zen 4 and Threadripper.
TheCPU Comparatorprovides an easier way to compare two or more processors from this list. Other, more focused comparison lists can be found here: [Top CPU Scores][3.0+ GHz CPUs][2.5+ GHz CPUs][2.0+ GHz CPUs][1.5+ GHz CPUs][1.0+ GHz CPUs][ Current CPU Scores ] ...
View Single ProductView Comparison Bench Results AMD Ryzen 5 3600 (6C/12T, 65W, $199) - 3.6G Base, 4.2G Turbo Intel Core i9-10900K (10C/20T, 125W, $488) - 3.7G Base, 5.3G Turbo Product Ratings & Comparisons (0-0) Peak Power ...