This modifier may only be submitted with surgery codes. For E/M services performed in the global period of a surgery, refer to CPT® modifiers 24, 25 and 57. An operating room for this purpose is defined as a place of service specifically equipped and staffed for the sole purpose of ...
The CMS-838 is specifically used to monitor identification and recovery of “credit balances” owed to Medicare. A credit balance is an improper or excess payment made to a provider as the result of patient billing or claims processing errors. Examples of Medicare credit balances include instances...
CODING GUIDANCE: JZ/JW MODIFIERS REMINDER: EFFECTIVE 10/1/2023—Claims missing the JZ/ JW modifier may be returned as unprocessable until claims are properly resubmitted. This could result in reimbursement disruptions. JW Modifier • To use if any drug amount is discarded/not administe...