The new code would eliminate expensive imaging and liver biopsy procedures in patients with liver cancer such as cirrhosis or hepatitis. Also, the code applies for the existing molecular diagnostic and Trichomonas vaginalis.RootCharlesEBSCO_bspNational Intelligence Report...
This result suggests that combination chemotherapy consisting of CPT-11 and cisplatin may be effective and safe for patients with AFP-producing gastric cancer with multiple liver metastases.癌と化学療法Asami TKokawa ASugimori KTomita NShirato KMorimoto MSaito TTanaka KImada T...
Liver samples were obtained intraoperatively during bariatric surgery for assessment of liver histology. Biopsies were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen, ensuring an ex vivo time of less than 40 s in all cases. A percutaneous follow-up biopsy was collected 5–9 months after surgery. Patients ...