Amy underwent burr hole surgery for biopsy of an intracranial lesion. The surgeon, Dr. Stanley, had to perform an abscess drainage of a cyst that was found during the procedure next to the lesion. Would the drainage of the cyst be reported ...
Office visit for a 14-year-old, established patient, to re-dress an abrasion. (Orthopedic Surgery) Office visit for a 58-year-old male presenting for nursing examination of a wound. Patient had incision and drainage of abscess in the ER. (General Surgery) Office visit for an established pa...
5. Describe the purpose and correct use of CPT modifiers. 6. List the three general steps for selecting correct CPT pro- cedure codes. 7. Discuss the purpose, structure, and key guidelines for each of the six sections of CPT Category I codes. ...
(includesepidermis,dermis,subcutaneoustissue,muscleand/or Excision,excessiveskinandsubcutaneoustissue(includeslipectomy);abdomen, Excision,excessiveskinandsubcutaneoustissue(includeslipectomy),abdomen(eg, Incisionanddrainageofsofttissueabscess,subfascial(ie,involvesthesofttissuebelow Removalofforeignbodyinmuscleor...