CT 73225MRAupperextremity;withorwithoutcontrastAngiography,UpperExtremity-MRA 77078CTbonemineraldensitystudy;axialskeletonBoneDensity(CT) 77084MRIbonemarrowbloodsupplyBoneMarrowBloodSupply-MRI 70551MRIbrain;withoutcontrast 70552MRIbrain;withcontrast 70553MRIbrain;withoutcontrastfollowedbycontrast 78608PETbrain,...
CPT-11 can cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB), although its concentration in the central nervous system (CNS) is lower than that in peripheral blood [41,42]. Therefore, whether CPT-11 can suppress CNS inflammation in conditions such as MS is worth determining. To investigate this, we est...
In mammals, three CPT I isoforms encoded by distinct genes have been discovered: a liver isoform (CPT Iα) [5], a muscle isoform (CPT Iβ) [6], and a brain isoform (CPT Ic) [7]. In fish, however, due to fish-specific genomic duplication event, various CPT I isoforms have been ...