Results Our total sample consisted of 12,287 NSQIP cases. Of those, 4,185 (34%) were cases of a hip fracture treated with hemiarthroplasty that were incorrectly coded as CPT code 27125. That error in coding results in a decrease in reimbursement of $35.01 per case, a 5.51% difference. ...
CPTCodeDefinedCtgy 11043SS&B 11044SS&B 15830SS&B 15847SS&B 20005SS&B 20520SS&B 20525SS&B 21501SS&B 21925SS&B 21930SS&B 22999SS&B 23030SS&B 23075SS&B 23076SS&B 23930SS&B 24076SS&B 25028SS&B 25076SS&B 26990SS&B 27048SS&B Excisionofskinandsubcutaneoustissueforhidradenitis,perianal,perineal...