Give the CPT code for the procedure, partial meniscectomy. Amy underwent burr hole surgery for biopsy of an intracranial lesion. The surgeon, Dr. Stanley, had to perform an abscess drainage of a cyst that was found during the procedure next t...
site, separate incision, excision, lesion, injury (ex: physician removes several lesions from pts leg; also notes a suspicious lesion on torso and biopsies it) , excision code for lesion removal + biopsy code for torso with -59, indicates biopsy as distinct procedure, not part of lesion ...
A new instructional note has been added: “Codes for obtaining autogenous bone, cartilage, tendon, fascia lata grafts, bone marrow, or other tissues through separate skin/fascial incision should be reported separately, unless the code descriptor references the harvesting of the graft or implant (eg...
Use CPT 0394T for high-dose-rate electronic brachytherapy, skin surface application, per fraction, and basic dosimetry when performed. Code 0182T for brachytherapy code has been removed. Procedures with the MelaFind device can be reported using CPT 0400, multi-spectral digital skin lesion analysis...
Excisionofskinandsubcutaneoustissueforhidradenitis,perianal,perineal,orumbilical; Excision,malignantlesionincludingmargins,trunk,arms,orlegs;exciseddiameter3.1to Excision,malignantlesionincludingmargins,trunk,arms,orlegs;exciseddiameterover Excision,malignantlesionincludingmargins,scalp,neck,hands,feet,genitalia;excise...