99213 and 99214 are codes for general office visits, usually to address one or more new concerns or complaints, or to follow up on one or more problems from a previous visit.
The new patient CPT code range describes the initial visit with a healthcare provider. These codes were last revised in 2021 by the AMA to reflect better the complexity and time required for a visit. The new patient CPT code range is as follows: CPT Code 99202 This code describes a level...
CODESELECTIONEXAMPLEAfifty-sixyearoldmalepatientwhohasneverbeenseenbeforebythephysicianhasanofficevisitforleftanklepaincausedbyafall.Whoisthepatient New,adultWhatistheplaceofservice OfficeWhatisthepatient’sstatus Injured,inpainTypeofservice New,initialCoderangewillbefrom99201-99205Newpatient-office/outpatientcatego...
the documentation of the service meets the requirements of the specific E/M service code), it is not necessary that the diagnosis code for which the E/M service was rendered be different than the diagnosis code for which the diagnostic ...