The panel added a definition to determine the substantive portion of a split/shared E/M visit in which a physician and a non-physician practitioner work together to furnish services related to the visit. The code set also newly includes instructions for reporting hospital inpatient or ...
Initial neonatal (99468) and pediatric (99471) codes are to be used only once during each hospital stay. However, recognize that these are not admission codes. For example, an infant admitted to the NICU for hypoglycemia and receiving intensive care on postnatal days 0–2 develops sepsis and ...
CODEORGANIZATIONE/McodesbreakdownintocategoriesandsubcategoriesCategories–examplesare:OfficeoroutpatientservicesHospitalobservationservicesHospitalInpatientservicesSubcategories–examplesare:NewpatientEstablishedpatientDischargeservicesSeetable7.1forthecompletelisting SELECTIONPROCESSAstandardsetofquestionsusedfordeterminingthecorrect...