A brain tumor is found in a CT scan of Mr. Child's head. The physician is assuming that it is not a secondary tumor (i.e. it did not spread from another part of the body) because an exhaustive workup has revealed no signs of can...
The first code (0721T) is for quantitative computed tomography (CT) tissue characterization obtained without a concurrent CT examination of any structure contained in a previously acquired diagnostic image. The second code (0722T) is for quantitative computed tomography (CT) tissue characterization that...
Accumulation of mini-plasmin in the cerebral capillaries causes a vascular invasion of the murine brain by a pneumotropic influenza A virus: implication for influenza encephalopathy. Biol Chem. 2004; 385(6): 487-492. [4] Yao DB, Mizuguchi H, Yamaguchi M, et al. Thermal instability of ...