该研究首先利用体外生化实验证明了CPSF30-L的YTH结构域可以优先结合带有m6A修饰的RNA,同时解析了CPSF30-L的YTH结构域结合m6A RNA的复合物结构,获得了参与m6A修饰识别的关键氨基酸位点信息(如:W259,W310和Y319);对带有m6A修饰的基因与poly(A)位点的选择受到CPSF30调控的基因关联分析,发现存在m6A修饰的基因在CPSF30突...
CPSF30-L是一个特殊的假定m6A结合蛋白,然而,迄今为止仅报道了CPSF30-L在硝酸盐信号传导中发挥作用,CPSF30-L是否为m6A结合蛋白以及是否依赖m6A发挥生物功能及基因调控机制尚无报道。 近日,北京大学化学与分子工程学院贾桂芳课题组在Molecular Plant(IF 12.084)上发表了题为Arabidopsis N6-methyladenosine reader CPSF30-L...
APA is controlled by a large protein-RNA complex with many components, including CLEAVAGE AND POLYADENYLATION SPECIFICITY FACTOR30 (CPSF30). Arabidopsis CPSF30 has two isoforms and the longer isoform (CPSF30-L) contains a YT512-B Homology domain, which is unique to plants. In this study, we...
Here we characterized CPSF30-L as an Arabidopsis mA reader whose mA binding function is required for floral transition and abscisic acid (ABA) response. We found the mA binding activity enhances the formation of liquid-like CPSF30-L nuclear bodies, where CPSF30-L mainly recognizes mA-modified ...
2021年1月27日,Molecular Plant在线发表了南方科技大学 李思思课题组、中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所 曹晓风课题组和山东农业大学 王勇课题组合作完成的研究论文“ CPSF30-L-med…