Spacebar Counter Open Fullscreen 5.00 Timer 0.00 Clicks / s 0 Score Сlick here to start cps test Your CPS result is(Clicks inSeconds) Restart Share your result with friends! FacebookTwitterWhatsAppReddit Advertisement CPS Timeframes 1second test3second test5second test10second test15second test...
Spacebar Counter Open Fullscreen 5.00 Timer 0.00 Clicks / s 0 Score Сlick here to start cps test Your CPS result is(Clicks inSeconds) Restart Share your result with friends! FacebookTwitterWhatsAppReddit Advertisement CPS Timeframes 1second test3second test5second test10second test15second test...
This CPS test reveals your Clicks Per Second in 3x9 different modes now! Also, get to know how fast you can click with a detailed click-tracking-map.
6.Spacebar Test It aids you to check the response time of your keyboard within the particular time of interest or alternatively you can say how much your hand is sensitive to clicking the space bar repetitively within the time span you want to check. In this test, you click your space ba...
Types of Click TestMany different click tests can be used to analyze the human click rate.Space BarCounting the number of times, you push the space bar is another method for determining clicking speed. In this particular instance, we adhere to the identical method and criteria as we used in...
因此,请使用此 Spacebar Clicker Counter 检查您设备的点击速度,无论是鼠标还是键盘。你可以试试 点击速度测试 找到每秒可以获得的点击次数。在线空格键速度测试 对于好奇的用户来说,挑战一下你的极限就足够了。但是,空格键计数器游戏非常适合开始踢球。因此,您可以在空格键点击计数器中获得高排名。
Apart from the mouse click speed test, players play the game to challenge how fast they can hit the spacebar in a given time. The game is identical to mouse click speed with the only difference being that the player has to click the spacebar instead of the mouse. Also, the game has ...
The Right Click CPS Test is a testing tool that is designed to check your right button clicking speed with CPS counter.1 Second Test 2 Second Test 5 Second Test 10 Second Test 15 Second Test Light / Dark mode 5.00 Timer 0.00 Clicks / s 0 Score Сlick here to start cps...
This simple 1 Second CPS Test will help you determine your mouse or finger tap speed. Advertisements Light / Dark mode Spacebar Counter Open Fullscreen Timer 0.00 Clicks / s 0 Score Сlick here to start cps test Restart Share your result with friends!
Select test time in seconds or press one of the preset buttons. Click the + button or spacebar until the test time reaches zero. View the clicks per second (CPS) and clicks per minute (CPM) result values. Click the new test button to restart test. Check the click test results history...