Butterfly ClickThe Butterfly click is performed using both index and middle fingers. Hold down the mouse button with two fingers and click it alternately. To get a good score on the CPS test right click, you need a mouse that has a double-click feature, and if you’re lucky, you can...
Right Click CPS Test with Statistical chart! Take the 1-second, 5-seconds, 10-seconds or N-seconds Right Click Test now! Right mouse button only!
How to Use the Right-Click CPS Test To take the test right away, follow a few simple steps below: Before starting the test, set the time. Move the cursor to the test area and get ready for the first click. When the cursor is in the test area, click the right mouse button at maxi...
This CPS test reveals your Clicks Per Second in 3x9 different modes now! Also, get to know how fast you can click with a detailed click-tracking-map.
The Click Speed Test website measures the number of clicks you make per second. Check CPS Test online (kohi click test) to see how fast you can click in seconds.
How to take a CPS Test? Just click in the test area To get started, just click in the testing area and the test will run right away. You can use full screen mode and light/dark mode to make testing as convenient for you as possible. ...
该APP旨在准确确定您的点击率。点击速度通常以CPS(英语中每秒的点击次数)衡量。 CPS的数量是通过将点击次数除以时间获得的。 您可以使用秒表手动进行操作并自己计算点击次数,但结果不如本APP上的自动测试准确。 它是什么?在CPS-Test上,我们提供: 极好的点击很棒的表
How to take a CPS Test? Just click in the test area To get started, just click in the testing area and the test will run right away. You can use full screen mode and light/dark mode to make testing as convenient for you as possible. ...
Benefits of Click Per Second Test Click-per-second trainers are one of the most effective ways to improve your gaming performance and make you a better player in your favorite games. The benefits of click-per-second tests right click are numerous: 1. Improve Consistency The biggest benefit of...
Want to test how fast you really are? Try the Click Speed Test tool and challenge your speed to improve instantly!.