StateCPS (10s)CPS (180s “Marathon”)CPS Tests Taken California 🏅6.776.05488,376 Texas 🥈6.765.88399,656 Florida 🥉6.736.02271,731 New York6.635.92202,259 North Carolina6.335.82125,072 Georgia6.635.92103,688 Pennsylvania6.435.72101,351 ...
Jon Scott, Founder & National Director Whenever possible we provide PRO BONO (free) licensed Investigative CPS Case Help, CPS Case Defense, and Investigation for the building of CPS case civil litigation (both state and federal). All Wilkes County NC CPS cases are either pro bono or greatly ...
We include dummy variables for gender (female = 1), employment sector (self-employed = 1), race, Hispanic ethnicity, educational attainment, employment industry, metropolitan location, respondent's state (or District of Columbia), and month and year of the survey. The last two variables control...