Test your click speed with our CPS test. Challenge yourself and measure a number of clicks per second with history data and different settings.
Find out how fast you can click on your mouse with our simple and free online CPS test. Become the fastest and challenge others.
There are several online tools that allows you to measure your clikcking speed from the Kohi minecraft server. At ClickSpeedTest.com, There's a replica of the same tool that allows you to measure your Kohi Click test. So what you are waiting for. Start Jitter clicking on the box above...
It’s very simple to take the click rate test online. All you have to do is go to the “click speed test” section and choose the time period you want to test your clicking speed in for. After that, just click anywhere in the game frame to start testing and click as fast as possi...
CPS Test Online. Challenge yourself to measurement Clicks Per Second. Timer Click/s Score Click Here to Start Playing Click Speed Test 1 Second Test2 Second Test5 Second Test10 Second Test15 Second Test30 Second Test60 Second Test100 Second Test ...
The CPS test, or clicks per second test, is an online tool used to measure a user's clicking speed and accuracy. The test involves clicking a button as many times as possible within a set time limit, usually 5, 10 or 20 seconds. The result is displayed as the number of clicks achiev...
CLICK TEST / CLICK SPEED TEST ✔ Test how fast you can click in 7 different click modes! Clicks in 1/5/10/20/60/100 and 1000 seconds. Test your CPS online! Clicks in 1 second Clicks in 5 seconds Clicks in 10 seconds Clicks in 20 seconds Clicks in 60 seconds Clicks in ...
This CPS test reveals your Clicks Per Second in 3x9 different modes now! Also, get to know how fast you can click with a detailed click-tracking-map.
CLICK TEST / CLICK SPEED TEST ✔ How fast you can click in 7 different click modes? Clicks in 1, 5, 10, 20, 60, 100 or 1000 seconds. Test CPS online!
The Click Speed Test website measures the number of clicks you make per second. Check CPS Test online (kohi click test) to see how fast you can click in seconds.