1 second2 seconds3 seconds4 seconds5 seconds10 seconds15 seconds20 seconds30 seconds45 seconds60 seconds100 seconds Clicks 0 CPS 0 Time 5 Click here to start. What is a CPS Test? A CPS test measures the number of clicks you can do on your mouse in a set amount of time. It's a si...
The world record for the 5-second test is 14 CPS of a person named Jordan Hum. This means the click is 70 clicks in 5 seconds. 另一方面,您可以玩点击测试游戏来放松心情。点击测试的一些用户希望提高他们的游戏鼠标速度。这就是他们使用点击测试的原因。事实上,点击测试是一种独特的游戏,您可以在多个...
Mouse Scroll Test - Check Your Scroll Speed with Tracking ChartNumber Memory TestRight Click CPS TestSpin Test - How fast can you spin your mouse in 60 seconds?Mouse Test - How accurate and fast can you move your mouse?Multitasking TestDraw A Perfect Circle (Check your π!) - Less than...
The Click Speed Test website measures the number of clicks you make per second. Check CPS Test online (kohi click test) to see how fast you can click in seconds.
–Check Your Clicks Per Second Click speed test or clicks per seconds test is a multipurpose online clicking tool which basically tests your clicking speed. Click Speed Test is a simple yet addictive online game that measures how quickly a player can click within a given time limit. It ...
Test your CPS right now! This simple CPS (Clicks per Second) test allows you to check your clicking speed.
So, if you want to click for 20-100 seconds, but find that your clicking speed decreases after 10 seconds, that will damage your results. However, given a time limit of fewer than five seconds, it’s impossible to demonstrate your full abilities. You should do as instructed if you care...
Click Speed Test is a website to measure your clicks per second. Check CPS Test online (kohi click test) to see how fast you can click in seconds.
Max CPS in 5 seconds is 20. (100 clicks). Completed by Jovelyn, a cps tester from Malaysia. You can check yours from 5 Second CPS Test.CPS In 10 SecondsThe highest possible CPS in that time frame is 23.9. (239 clicks) accomplished by American cps tester Yukang Jiang. Figure out ...
This game has been known by many names such as cps test, cps counter, click speed test, and more. In this game, you can only use the left mouse button. There were many different types of click test games. Such as 1 second, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, jitter test, kohi te...