(Use for person who may got neck injury.)Grasp the lower jaw on both sides of the head, lift it upward and outward. 11.Breathing. Pinch the person’s nose with your fingertips &start mouth to mouth breathing. Place your mouth over the person’s mouth and exhale. Give twofullbreaths( ...
隐蔽工程验收要点 给排水中水泵扬程与压力的关系 水泥厂烧成回转窑中控操作问题解答 地暖安装注意事项 水泥厂中控操作自动化专业试题(附答案) 防水套管的应用与分类 施工现场职业健康管理制度 常见基坑工程的支护方式 水泥包装车间各岗位职责 打桩机的种类 水泥磨操作员试题(附答案) ...
(Use for person who may got neck injury.) Grasp the lower jaw on both sides of the head, lift it upward and outward. 11. Breathing . Pinch the person’s nose with your fingertips & start mouth to mouth breathing. Place your mouth over the person’s mouth and exhale. Give two full ...
(Use for person who may got neck injury.)Grasp the lower jaw on both sides of the head, lift it upward and outward. 11.Breathing. Pinch the person’s nose with your fingertips & start mouth to mouth breathing. Place your mouth over the person’s mouth and exhale. 在现代文化影响下,...
6、, follow With 2 rescue breaths .10. Clear and open the Airway.USe your two fin gers to Clear any thi ng that bloCk ing the PerS On 'airway .Head-tilt & Chin-Iift .OR Jaw-thrust . (USe for PerSOn who may got neck injury.) GraSP the lower jaw On both SideS of the head, ...
Be cautious while performing this step, especially if a victim has suffered a neck or spinal injury, as it could worsen the condition. Step 5: Check for Breathing Quickly check for normal breathing by watching the victim's chest for any movement while listening for breath sounds. Scan for ...
If a neck or spine injury is suspected, the rescuer should not tilt the person's head. Instead the angle of the jaw is lifted while the head is kept in a neutral position without flexing or extending the neck. The rescuer's mouth covers the person's mouth and then the rescuer exhales...
To open the airway, lift the child’s chin up with one hand. At the same time, tilt the head back by pushing down on theforeheadwith the other hand. Do not tilt the head back if the child is suspected of having a neck or head injury. ...
ORJaw-thrust.(Useforpeonwhomaygotneckinjury.)Graspthelower jawonbothsidesofthehead,liftitupwardandoutward。 . Pinchthepeon’snosewithyourfingertips&startmouthtomouth breathing。 Placeyourmouthoverthepeon’smouthandexhale。 Givetwofullbreaths(1secondforeach).Betweeneachbreathallow lungstorelaxasthepeon...
(Use for person who may got neck injury.)Grasp the lower jaw on both sides of the head, lift it upward and outward. . Pinch the person’s nose with your fingertips & start mouth to mouth breathing. Place your mouth over the person’s mouth and exhale. Give two full breaths ( 1 ...