AHA updates CPR guidelines on cardiac arrest after poisoningLarkin, MarilynnCardiology News
eccguidelines.heart.org 3图 1. 在患者救治的临床策略、干预、治疗或诊断中使用推荐级别和证据级别(更新于 2019 年 5 月) 4 American Heart Association图 2. 《 2020 年美国心脏协会心肺复苏及心血管急救指南》中总共 491 条建议的 COR 和 LOE 百分比分布。 结果为 491 条建议的百分比,涉及成人基础和高级生...
Current guidelines suggest that a resuscitative thoracotomy may be performed under specific circumstances. This approach is almost always futile. Technology such as reliable point of care ultrasound and automated compression devices may allow surgeons to consider a damage control laparotomy as the ...
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