With our high-quality, free CPR training program online, anyone can feel confident taking action when seconds count. Start your free training today!
Free practice tests & free exam retakes Instant copy of certification documents Access to training in First Aid, CPR and use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) Certification $49.95 Recertification $39.95 Register CPR/AED/First Aid Certification – Fast, Easy, and 100% Online The Na...
You can learn how and when you like with our free and unlimited practice tests. Take your CPR/AED Certification test whenever you are ready, and our unlimited exam retakes are always free. Receive Support Long After You Pass the Exam We continue to support you once you pass the CPR/AED ...
In 5 Minutes Become familiar with CPR so you will know what to do in a sudden cardiac arrest situation. Learn cpr Hands On Put your skills to the test and practice with live, hands-on training sessions near you. view events Get Certified ...
Retry until you pass the CPR test Test challenge option for CPR renewals 2Pay Pay only AFTER you train Don't pay unless you're satisfied RISK-FREE thirty-daymoney back guarantee Hands-on CPR practice option Accredited Continuing Educationavailable ...
Retry until you pass the CPR test Test challenge option for CPR renewals 2 Pay Pay only AFTER you train Don't pay unless you're satisfied RISK-FREE thirty-day money back guarantee Hands-on CPR practice option Accredited Continuing Education available 3 Print Print your wallet card instantly Pro...
Login Certify Online This is a modal window. No compatible source was found for this media.(75,435 Ratings) CPR + First Aid for AdultsFree online CPR training allows busy professionals like you to get CPR certified on the go, from any device. Only pay at the end if you're satisfied!
With a wide range of revision and test preparation materials, you can put yourself in the best possible position for passing your tests. Why face the stress of taking a test in-person? You can prepare with unlimited practice tests, unlimited access to course materials and free downloadable cou...
while knowing our certification is valid is for 2 years. Unlike some of our competitors we don't force you to return after a year to update your validity. Remember, our site is active 365 days a year so you can return and brush up on your skills and practice test at your convenience....
The AHA’s research indicates that if the patient is later found not to be in cardiac arrest, delivering CPR is unlikely to cause harm. Our hands-only layperson CPR module is based around this recommendation, offering a streamlined and speedy practice to start CPR immediately. The classical CP...