First Aid CPR AED证是一种官方凭证,用于证明个人已掌握基本急救知识、心肺复苏术(CPR)和自动体外除颤器(AED)的操作技 Home Basic Life Support Heartsaver Total First Aid CPR AED Heartsaver CPR AED Heartsaver First Aid Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens Contact Us Testimonials Our classes are accepted and approved by:© 2014 - 2024 by Indiana CPR First Aid LLC...
CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is one of the fundamental techniques used in first aid to resuscitate someone in an emergency. CPR is a hands-on emergency intervention used to restore breathing and a heartbeat in a person who has go...
Completed the course and took the exam, but got the “Standard First Aid” small card, but the not the “Certificate of Achievement ” . I need this certificate for DCF. . June Williams This certification program is informative and organized. ...
Looking For The Best First Aid Course Near You Tailored To Your Industry & Needs? FirstAidPro Offers Accredited CPR Courses & Same Day First Aid Certificates. Book Now!
美国心脏协会(AHA)国际认证HeartSaver® First Aid CPR AED培训课程,由AHA专业认证导师进行培训。旨在加强公众安全急救理念、提高急救技能,让普通民众用专业的态度,为家人、朋友、社会带来更多的帮助。 √ 国际通用证书 ● First Aid课程国际急救证书 √ 专业人员授课 ...
美国心脏协会(AHA)国际认证HeartSaver® First Aid CPR AED培训课程,由AHA专业认证导师进行培训。旨在加强公众安全急救理念、提高急救技能,让普通民众用专业的态度,为家人、朋友、社会带来更多的帮助。 √ 国际通用证书 ● First Aid课程国际急救证书 √ 专业人员授课 ...
American Heart Association,简称AHA,是全球对公众急救培训最权威最标准化的机构,其Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED拯救心脏课程适用于各行业人员,旨在加强公众安全及风险意识,在发生意外事故,学员可运用培训所获得的知识和技能做出及时的反应和正确的处理,最大限度降低事故所造成的人员伤亡和财产损失。全世界约4000个AHA...
CPR First Aider is compact and can be installed in high-traffic areas to potentially save thousands of lives. It is easily operated and includes a first aid kit and bu-tton to quickly call for an ambulance. 参与人士 Design: Fang Di, Li Pengcheng, Yu Yuanyi, China 举报 68 10 分享 ...
HeartSaver®First Aid CPR AED拯救心脏急救认证培训 ■基本急救-First Aid 一般急救:如何求助、如何发现问题、如何摘脱手套、正确防护自己; 内科急症:心脏病、脑卒中、糖尿病、过敏; 外科急症:纱布止血、绷带及止血包扎、骨折固定、烧伤、...