体外电除颤AutomatedExternalDefibrillator 2 WhatisCPR?CPRmeans:whenanycauseofrespiratoryandcardiacarrest,basicoperationalmeasuresandimplementationofinvitro,itspurposeisto protecttheimportantorgansofbrainandheart,andrecoveryof spontaneousrespiratoryandcirculatoryfunctionassoonaspossibleCPR是指当任何原因引起的呼吸和心跳骤停...
After 30 compressions, 2 breaths are given; however, an intubated patient should receive continuous compressions while ventilations are given (8-10 ventilations per minute for an intubated adult patient) This process is repeated until a pulse returns or the patient is transferred to definitive care...
If therespirationrateisbelow12– assist ventilation withbagvalvemask(BVM) to maintain10 breaths/min(re-checking the pulse every minute to ensure it is still present). You will likely needtwopeopleto performeffectiveventilationwith a BVM (one ensuring a good seal over the face and the other comp...
(CPR) with emphasis on minimally interrupted high-quality chest compressions, early defibrillation, discourages endotracheal intubation and encourages use of the bag-valve-mask (BVM) and/or blind insertion airway device (BIAD) with a ventilation rate of 8-10 breaths/min to minimize hyperventilation....
A pressure waveform of 120 mmHg was applied to only the heart to simulate normal cardiac output, with gas exchange being driven by air ventilation at 10 breaths per min. This produced an aortic pressure of 110/82 mmHg and a cardiac output of 4.74 l/min. The blood gas levels gave a ...
Blood stops moving to the brain. It is for this reason that if you are taking your hands off the chest to deliver breaths, or switching rolls, it is critical to minimize time off the chest. 血液将停止流向大脑。因此,如果将手从胸前移开...
Give the child two breaths, watching for the chest to rise each time. Each breath should take one second. 5. Repeat compressions and rescue breathing if the child is still not breathing Two breaths can be given after every 30 chest compressions. If someone else is helping you, you should ...
Repeat this process for a total of 5 cycles (30 compressions and 2 breaths per cycle). 5. Continue CPR: Continue performing cycles of 30 compressions and 2 breaths until help arrives or the person starts breathing on their own. Remember to switch with another rescuer if you become tired. ...
medumat easy cpr 急救呼吸机 使用手册说明书 MEDUMAT Easy CPR The Guiding Emergency Ventilator
The respiration is recommended at a rate of about 10 breaths per minute.. ventilation during CPR with an advanced airway , while continuous chest compressions are being performed. Team resuscitation:basic principles. 对于成人、儿童和婴儿(不包括新生儿)单人施救者的按压-通气比率建议值 (30:2) 建议以...