When a person suffers sudden cardiac arrest, death is imminent unless he receives help immediately. In CPR, rescue breathing is combined with chest compressions to send oxygen-containing blood to the brain and vital organs for a person who is not breathing and whose heart is not beating.The re...
CPR is an emergency lifesaving procedure that is performed when a person ' s own breathing or heartbeat have stopped , such as in cases of trauma , poisoning , electric shock , heart attack , or drowning. CPR combines rescue breathing and chest compressions. Rescue breathing provides oxygen t...
4. Start CPR: If the person is not breathing, start chest compressions. 5. Chest Compressions: Place your hands on the center of the person's chest, interlock your fingers, and push down hard and fast at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute. 6. Rescue Breaths: If...
CPR is more than just a skill—it’s a powerful act of preparedness and compassion. With thousands of lives at stake each year, knowing how to perform chest compressions and rescue breathing can mean the difference between life and death. If you’ve ever considered getting CPR certified or t...
Breathing (rescue breaths) 口腔没有分泌物,可进行人工呼吸。一般进行30次胸外按压,马上给予两次的人工呼吸,交替进行五组。 You will then go for 2 deep rescue breaths without oral secretion. It is the standard to do 5 cycles of 30 times compressions a...
Rescue breathing means you give breaths to the person through his or her mouth.What are some important things to remember about CPR for adults?Call your local emergency number (911 in the US) before you start CPR. Get emergency help to the person as quickly as possible. If you are with ...
You should act by calling for help,or sending someone else.Even if you cannot do mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing,you can perform Hands-Only CPR.You can do chest compressions(压迫) that help to keep blood flowing to the brain and the heart.To perform the compressions,place one hand over ...
CPR involves a series of precise steps that must be followed in order to maximize the chances of saving a person's life. From assessing the person's consciousness and breathing to performing chest compressions and rescue breaths, each step is crucial and requires quick thinking and a steady han...
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)(心肺复苏) is a hands-on emergency intervention used to restore breathing and a heartbeat in a person who has gone into cardiac arrest. 1 CPR involves performing chest compressions and, in some cases, rescue (“mouth-to-mouth”) breathing. These techniques ...