voidnth_element(ExecutionPolicy&&policy, RandomIt first, RandomIt nth, RandomIt last); (2)(since C++17) template<classRandomIt,classCompare> voidnth_element(RandomIt first, RandomIt nth, RandomIt last, Compare comp); (3)(constexpr since C++20) ...
nth_element是部分排序算法,它重排[first, last)中元素,使得: nth所指向的元素被更改为假如[first, last)已排序则该位置会出现的元素。 这个新的nth元素前的所有元素小于或等于新的nth元素后的所有元素。 更正式而言,nth_element以升序部分排序范围[first, last),使得对于任何范围[first, nth)中的i和任何范围[...
可以当作部分 pair 和 tuple 的替用品,或者替代原生数组 # 一些其他容器 >bitset >basic_string 另外,可以参阅C 的字符串函数 # IO >cpp 风格 IO 可以了解 stringstream 类,以及 输入/输出操纵符 >C 风格 IO +fopen +freopen +sscanf +sprintf #算法库 >sort >unique >reverse >shuffle >nth_element >lowe...
ranges::nth_element (C++20) 将给定的范围部分排序,确保其按给定元素划分 (算法函数对象) 二分搜索操作(在有序范围上) ranges::lower_bound (C++20) 返回指向首个不小于给定值的元素的迭代器 (算法函数对象) ranges::upper_bound (C++20) 返回指向首个大于某值的元素的迭代器 ...
void nth_element( ExecutionPolicy&& policy, RandomIt first, RandomIt nth, RandomIt last ); template< class ExecutionPolicy, class RandomIt, class Compare > void nth_element( ExecutionPolicy&& policy, RandomIt first, RandomIt nth, RandomIt last, Compare cmp ); std::nth_element Set operations...
partition()函数 功能:将序列分成两个部分:满足... 0书瓖果fifty 0 0 标准库<algorithm>里的partial_sort相关函数 1. partial_sort()函数 功能:部分排序,默认情况下,[0,middle)升序排列,剩下的元素没有特... 0书瓖果fifty 0 0 标准库<algorithm>里的nth_element()函数 功能:将第下标为n的元素...
a vector::at(i) Get the nth element of a vector and checks if the index is within the bounds bool vector::empty() Returns true if vector is empty and false, otherwise. void vector::resize(int N) Resize vector to N elements. void vector::clear() Remove all elements and sets the...
nth_element parzialmente ordina l'intervallo dato assicurandosi che è divisa dal dato elemento Original: partially sorts the given range making sure that it is partitioned by the given element The text has been machine-translated via Google Translate. You can help to correct and verify the...
nth_element(I first, I nth, S last, Comp comp = {}, Proj proj = {}); template<random_access_range R, class Comp = ranges::less, class Proj = identity> requires sortable<iterator_t<R>, Comp, Proj> constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<R> nth_element(R&& r, iterator_t<R> nth, Comp...
ranges::nth_element (C++20) partially sorts the given range making sure that it is partitioned by the given element (niebloid) Binary search operations (on sorted ranges) ranges::lower_bound (C++20) returns an iterator to the first elementnot lessthan the given value ...