等价于std::lower_bound(first, last, value,std::less{})。 (C++20 起) 2)通过comp确定顺序: 返回[first,last)中首个使得bool(comp(*iter, value))是false的迭代器iter,或者在不存在这种iter的情况下返回last。 如果[first,last)的元素elem没有按表达式bool(comp(elem, value))划分,那么行为未定义。
lower_bound (1) template<classForwardIt,classT=typenamestd::iterator_traits<ForwardIt>::value_type>ForwardIt lower_bound(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last,constT&value){returnstd::lower_bound(first, last, value,std::less{});} lower_bound (2) ...
可以搜索一下 vector 的底层实现方法 >set(及 multiset) 可以重点关注.lower_bound(...)等成员函数,及迭代器的用法 >map 可以关注 元素的插入删除机制 以及operator[] >deque 可以常数时间下标访问,但是内存不连续 >priority_queue 可以了解如何修改或自定义比较函数,例如priority_queue<T, vector<T>, greater<T...
const_iterator lower_bound( const K& x ) const; (4) (C++14 起) 1,2) 返回指向首个不小于(即大于或等于)key 的元素的迭代器。3,4) 返回指向首个比较不小于(即大于或等于)值 x 的元素的迭代器。此重载只有在限定标识 Compare::is_transparent 合法并指代类型时才会参与重载决议。它允许调用此函数时...
std::set<Key,Compare,Allocator>::lower_bound From cppreference.com <cpp |container |set 1,2)Returns an iterator pointing to the first element that isnot lessthan (i.e. greater or equal to)key. 3,4)Returns an iterator pointing to the first element that comparesnot less(i.e. ...
Language Keywords−Preprocessor ASCII chart Basic concepts Comments Names(lookup) Types(fundamental types) Themainfunction Expressions Value categories Evaluation order Operators(precedence) Conversions−Literals Statements if−switch for−range-for(C++11) ...
lower_bound()函数 功能:返回第一个不小于va... 0书瓖果fifty 0 0 标准库<algorithm>里的swap相关函数 使用一个东西,不明白它的道理,不高明——侯捷老师 1. iter_swap()函数 功能:交换两个迭代器指向的值 ... 0书瓖果fifty 0 0 标准库<algorithm>里is_sorted()、is_sorted_until()函数 使用...
lower_bound liefert einen Iterator auf das erste Element nicht weniger als der angegebene Wert Original: returns an iterator to the first element not less than the given value The text has been machine-translated via Google Translate. You can help to correct and verify the translation. Click ...
lower_bound returns an iterator to the first elementnot lessthan the given key (public member function) upper_bound returns an iterator to the first elementgreaterthan the given key (public member function) Observers key_comp returns the function that compares keys ...
lower_bound restituisce un iteratore al primo elemento' non inferiore al valore dato Original: returns an iterator to the first element not less than the given value The text has been machine-translated via Google Translate. You can help to correct and verify the translation. Click here for...