template< /*is-integer-like*/ T > /*make-unsigned-like-t*/<T> /*to-unsigned-like*/( T t ) { return static_cast</*make-unsigned-like-t*/<T>>(t); } (3) (仅用于阐述*) 1) 对于整数式类型 T: 如果T 是整数类型,那么 /*make-signed-like-t*/<T> 是std::make_signed_t<T...
integer_sequence(C++14) Biblioteca de servicios generales Objetos función−Funciones de dispersión (hash)(C++11) Operaciones de intercambio−Operaciones de tipo(C++11) Comparación de enteros(C++20) pair−tuple(C++11) optional(C++17)
__cpp_lib_integer_comparison_functions 整数比较函数 202002L (C++20) P0586R2 __cpp_lib_integer_sequence 编译期的整数序列 201304L (C++14) N3658 __cpp_lib_integral_constant_callable std::integral_constant::operator() 201304L (C++14) N3545 __cpp_lib_interpolate std::lerp、std::midpoi...
Boolean-Integer-Floating-point Character-String-nullptr(C++11) User-defined(C++11) Utilities Attributes(C++11) Types typedefdeclaration Type alias declaration(C++11) Casts Implicit conversions static_cast const_cast Explicit conversions dynamic_cast ...
LWG 3575(P2393R1) C++20 integer-class types were not guaranteed to be three-way-comparable guaranteed See also weakly_incrementable (C++20) specifies that a semiregular type can be incremented with pre- and post-increment operators (concept) Support...
Create a bitset initialized with some integer value:>> std::bitset<8> b1{0xAE}; >> std::cout << "b1 = " << b1 << std::endl; b1 = 10101110 // Test bits >> b1.test(0) (bool) false >> b1.test(1) (bool) true >> b1.test(7) (bool) true >> b1.test(6) (bool)...
bitset, integer, or enumeration The text has been machine-translated viaGoogle Translate. You can help to correct and verify the translation. Clickherefor instructions. (concetto) This section is incomplete Reason: Any other missing concept?
extended unsigned integer type 扩充无符号整数类型 extension 扩展,功能扩展 extern specifier extern 说明符 external linkage 外部连接 feature 特性 full-expression 全表达式 【文法】 不求值操作数、常量表达式、立即调用、初始化声明符或成员变量初始化器(含初始化器的成分表达式)、对象生命周期结束时的析构...
Boolean - Integer - Floating-point Character - String - nullptr (C++11) User-defined (C++11) Utilities Attributes (C++11) Types typedef declaration Type alias declaration (C++11) Casts Implicit conversions static_cast const_cast Explicit conversions dynamic_cast reinterpret_cast Memory allocation new...
2)/*integer-from*/<Bytes>是某个有符号整数类型T的别名,使得sizeof(T)等于Bytes。 3)/*simd-size-v*/<T, Abi>代表被启用的basic_simd<T, Abi>特化的宽度,否则为0。 4)如果T代表std::basic_simd_mask<Bytes, Abi>,那么/*mask-element-size*/<T>等于Bytes。