find_first_of (1) template<classInputIt,classForwardIt>InputIt find_first_of(InputIt first, InputIt last, ForwardIt s_first, ForwardIt s_last){for(;first!=last;++first)for(ForwardIt it=s_first;it!=s_last;++it)if(*first==*it)returnfirst;returnlast;} ...
find_first_of(haystack, needles);static_assert(std::distance(haystack.begin(), found2)==2);constexprstaticautonegatives={-6,-3,-4,-3};constexprautonot_found=rng::find_first_of(haystack, negatives);static_assert(not_found==haystack.end());constexprautofound3=rng::find_first_of(haystack...
find_first_of 搜索一组元素中任一元素 (函数模板) ranges::find_first_of (C++20) 搜索一组元素中任一元素 (算法函数对象) adjacent_find 查找首对相同(或满足给定谓词)的相邻元素 (函数模板) ranges::adjacent_find (C++20) 查找首对相同(或满足给定谓词)的相邻元素 (算法函数对象) cou...
find_last_of 查找字符的最后一次出现 (公开成员函数) find_first_not_of 查找字符的首次不出现 (公开成员函数) find_last_not_of 查找字符的最后一次不出现 (公开成员函数) find 寻找给定子串的首次出现 (std::basic_string<CharT,Traits,Allocator>的公开成员函数)...
find_first_of Findet das erste Vorkommen von Zeichen Original: find first occurrence of characters The text has been machine-translated viaGoogle Translate. You can help to correct and verify the translation. Clickherefor instructions. (öffentliche Elementfunktion)[edit] ...
finds the first occurrence of the given substring (public member function) find_first_of find first occurrence of characters (public member function) find_first_not_of find first absence of characters (public member function) find_last_of
find_if find_if_not (C++11) Findet das erste Elemente, welches bestimmte Kriterien erfüllt (Funktions-Template)[edit] find_first_of searches for any one of a set of elements (Funktions-Template)[edit] search_n Suchen nach einer Reihe aufeinanderfolgender Kopien eines Elements in einem...
Complete Match: The code first attempts a complete match for xxx.html. For example, if the user inputs cstring.html, the code tries to find cstring.html. To facilitate matching, both the path and keyword are converted to lowercase, underscores are removed, and the .html extension is ...
Member type key_type is the type of the keys for the elements in the container, defined in map as an alias of its first template p...using namespace std; using namespace std; using namespace std;告诉编译器这个文件中包含C++标准库。若是没有使用,那么库函数中的每个关键字都要有前缀std:...
You need to provide the IP address and port of at least one member in your cluster so the client can find it.hazelcast::client::client_config config; config.get_network_config().add_address(hazelcast::client::address("your server ip", 5701 /* your server port*/));...