这两个变量实际上涵盖了编译和汇编的两个步骤 CFLAGS:指定头文件(.h)的路径,如:CFLAGS=-I/usr/include -I/path/include, 安装一个包时会在安装路径下建立一个include文件夹,当安装过程中出现故障时,试着把曾经安装的包的include文件夹增加到该变量中来。 LDFLAGS:gcc 等编译器会用到的一些优化參数,也能够在...
CPPFLAGS : 预处理器需要的选项 如:-I (大写i指定头文件路径) CFLAGS:编译的时候使用的参数 –Wall –g -c LDFLAGS :链接库使用的选项 –L -l (大写L指定动态库的路径,小写L指定动态库的名称)
* 在顶层Makefile.am中设置全局变量 AM_CPPFLAGS = -I $(top_srcdir)/include1 export AM_CPPFLAGS 这样在编译子目录(如module1)时,该全局设置也会起作用,在gcc编译命令行中你会看到-I ../include1。 * 在子目录层Makefile.am中设置局部变量 AM_CPPFLAGS = -I $(top_srcdir)/include2 这里的设置仅...
I am trying to compile netcdf-c-4.7.2 and netcdf-fortran-4.5.2 on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux v9.1 machine. I am running into this same error ‘configure: error: netcdf.h could not be found. Please set CPPFLAGS.’ I configured netcdf-c-4.7.2 with the following command: ./configur...
链接时会有这个参数,编译出来的可执行程序的库文件搜索路径就得到扩展了。PS:-Wl,R在GraphicsMagick环境下,用为-R, 也就是LDFLAGS = -L/var/xxx/lib -R/var/xxx/lib CFLAGS 或 CPPFLAGS的用法 CPPFLAGS='-I/usr/local/libjpeg/include -I/usr/local/libpng/include'
so i add "CPPFLAGS += -DOPENCV_DEBUG" in my concerto.mak but it does not work, it can not find the MACRO "OPENCV_DEBUG" can you help about this many thanks 5 年多前 Jesse Villarreal5 年多前 TI__Expert5525points Which compiler do you expect the change to take place in ...
选项“-L dir”的功能与“-I dir”类似,能够在库文件的搜索路径列表中添加dir目录。例如有程序hello_sq.c需要用到目录“/root/workplace/Gcc/lib”下的一个动态库libsunq.so,则只需键入如下命令即可: [root@localhost Gcc] Gcc hello_sq.c –L /root/workplace/Gcc/lib –lsunq –o hello_sq ...
This has probably been asked a billion times, but I tried to search to see that it had not. I am trying to build to run on macOS, which has both openssl@1.1 and openssl@3 installed via home-brew. When installing openssl@3, it tells me that I may want to add the following to my...
/configure --prefix=/home/ban/imax283/madplay/source CC=arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi-gcc AR=arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi-ar...CPPFLAGS=- I/home/ban/imax283/madplay/source/in...
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ imathnumpymodule_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/PyImath/libPyImath.la @BOOST_PYTHO noinst_HEADERS = AP_CPPFLAGS = @ILMBASE_CXXFLAGS@ \ @NUMPY_CXXFLAGS@ \ -I$(top_srcdir)/PyImath \ -I$(top_builddir) \ -I$(top_srcdir)/config AM_CPPFLAGS = @ILMBASE...