通过使用CppCMS提供的数据库API,开发者可以方便地进行数据库操作,如查询、插入和更新等。 #include <cppdb/frontend.h>void hello::main(std::string /*url*/) { cppdb::session sql("sqlite3:dbname=test.db"); sql << "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)"; sql...
1cppdb::pool::pointer my_pool = cppdb::pool::create("mysql:host=;database=test;user=root;password='your password'");2cppdb::session sql(my_pool->open());34cppdb::statement stat;5stat = sql <<"INSERT INTO t_test(test_name) VALUES(?)"<<test_name;6stat.exec(); (4.2)...
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1164982/cppcms-vs-c-server-pages-vs-wt 楼主: I knowWtis the most stable of them, but it's a bit uncomfortable to use.CppCMSsounds good but how stable is it? How secure is it? I have encounteredC++ Server Pagesas well but there's nothing about the...
Before you install CppBlog you need to installCppCMS Framework - version 0.999.0 and above CppDB Library Discount Markdown Library ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick libraryOptionally if you want to embed LaTeX formulas you may need latex and dvigif programs in runtime....
What is CppCMS? CppCMS is a Free High Performance Web Development Framework (not a CMS) aimed at Rapid Web Application Development. It differs from most other web development frameworks like: Python Django, Java Servlets in the following ways:...
<< id << cppdb::row; if(r.empty()) { response().make_error_response(404); return false; }r>> c.title; c.text2html = text2html; return true;}flat_thread::flat_thread(cppcms::service &s) : thread_shared(s) { dispatcher().assign(".*",&flat_thread::prepare,this,0); ...
if(WIN32 OR CYGWIN) add_definitions(-DDLL_EXPORT) endif() # Dependencies find_library(LIB_BOOSTERbooster) find_library(LIB_CPPCMScppcms) find_library(LIB_CPPDB cppdb) find_program(EXE_TMPL_CC cppcms_tmpl_cc) find_program(EXE_MSGFMT msgfmt) ...
1.将cppcms-0.99.10/examples/json_rpc/rpc.cpp文件中的json_service类拷贝到 examples/templates/hello-tmpl.cpp 中 2.修改hello-tmpl.cpp 中的main函数,添加两个服务 int main(int argc,char ** argv) { try { cppcms::service srv(argc,argv); srv.applications_pool().mount(cppcms::applications_fac...
2.将welcome.tmpl文件放在src目录下,然后用CMake的 add_custom_command命令设置自己额外的编译命令。 例子: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) set(Boost_INCLUDE_DIR /usr/src/boost_1_47_0) set(PROJECT_INCLUDE_DIR ../include) find_package(Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem REQUIRED) message("---"...
在nginx.conf文件的server一节添加如下配置,请注意^/hello(.*)$代表用CppCMS构建的Web站点的URI的上下文路径。而fastcgi_pass 则是指Nginx要和位于30.17的CppCMS站点通过FastCGI协议通信。这里其实可以指定多个。 # for cppms FastCGI set $path_info ""; if ( $fastcgi_script_name ~ ^/he...