The project contains 2 modules:zxingcppis the wrapper library,appis the demo app usingzxingcpp. To build the AAR (Android Archive) from the command line: $ ./gradlew :zxingcpp:assembleRelease Then copyzxingcpp/build/outputs/aar/zxingcpp-release.aarintoapp/libsof your app....
ZXingCpp.Tests ZXingCpp .gitignore dotnet.sln ios kn python rust wasm winrt zint .clang-format .editorconfig .gitattributes .gitignore .gitmodules CMakeLists.txt LICENSE Package.swift zxing-cpp.podspec zxing.cmake Breadcrumbs zxing-cpp /wrappers /dotnet / Late...
See either the ZXingCpp/ or the ZXingCpp.Demo project. To run the ZXingCpp.Demo sample program, it is important that the dotnet runtime finds the native ZXing[.dll|.so|.dylib] in your path. E.g. on Linux a complete command line would look like this LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<ZXing...
在默认情况下会安装TCP Wrappers软件包(tcp_wrappers),该软件包提供基于主机的,到网络服务的访问控制.这个软件包中最重要的组成部分是/usr/lib /libwrap.a库.通常来说,使用libwrap.a库进行编译的服务就是一个TCP Wrappers. 当一个客户试图与一个TCP-wrapped服务进行连接时,这个服务首先会检查主机的访问文件(/etc/...
implementation("io.github.zxing-cpp:android:2.2.0") implementation("io.github.zxing-cpp:android:2.3.0-SNAPSHOT") to your build.gradle.kts file in the dependencies section. To access the SNAPSHOT version, you also need to add a separate repositories entry in your build.cradle.kts file: ma...
Writing Managed Wrappers with Managed C++Sam Gentile
Hi, Thank you for sharing your code. I am trying to use this project but I am getting the above error. I am using windows 10 and I have compiled c++ modules. I would be grateful if you guide me through this problem. (python version=3.7.1...
AttributeError: module 'cpp_wrappers.cpp_subsampling.grid_subsampling' has no attribute 'subsample' I'm running this on Windows 10, Python 3.7.11, in an Anaconda virtual environment. I suspect that the issue might be with the compiling of the C++ extension modules in cpp_wrappers. When I do...
zxing-cpp is a Rust wrapper for the C++ library zxing-cpp. It is an open-source, multi-format linear/matrix barcode image processing library implemented in C++. It was originally ported from the Java ZXing Library but has been developed further and now includes many improvements in ...
C++ port of ZXing. Contribute to deepmedia/zxing-cpp development by creating an account on GitHub.