ceil(std::chrono::time_point) (C++17) 转换time_point 到另一个,向上取整 (函数模板) round(std::chrono::time_point) (C++17) 转换time_point 到另一个,就近取整,偶数优先 (函数模板) 辅助类 std::common_type<std::chrono::time_point>
time_point( const time_point<Clock, Duration2>& t ); (C++11 起) (C++14 起为 constexpr) 从数个可选数据源之一构造新的 time_point。 1) 默认构造函数,创建表示 Clock 的纪元(即 time_since_epoch() 为零)的 time_point。2) 构造位于 Clock 的纪元加上 d 的time_point。3...
std::chrono::time_point<Clock,Duration>::time_point (1) time_point(); (since C++11) (constexpr since C++14) (2) explicittime_point(constduration&d); (since C++11) (constexpr since C++14) (3) template<classDuration2> time_point(consttime_point<Clock, Duration2>&t); ...
std::chrono::time_point<Clock,Duration>::time_since_epoch duration time_since_epoch()const; (since C++11) (constexpr since C++14) Returns adurationrepresenting the amount of time between*thisand theclock's epoch. Parameters (none) Return value ...
* system_clock::time_point -> timestamp * KeyValueIterable -> attributes * Key value iterable container -> attributes * span<pair<string_view, AttributeValue>> -> attributes(return type of MakeAttributes) */template<class...ArgumentType>voidEmitLogRecord(nostd::unique_ptr<LogRecord>&&log_re...
If you want to set the thread count at runtime, there is no convenient way... But here is how.svr.new_task_queue = [] { return new ThreadPool(12); }; You can also provide an optional parameter to limit the maximum number of pending requests, i.e. requests accept()ed by the ...
std::chrono::time_point::time_point (1) time_point(); (since C++11) (until C++14) constexprtime_point(); (since C++14) (2) explicittime_point(constduration&d); (since C++11) (until C++14) constexprexplicittime_point(constduration&d); ...
应用:PING(Packet InterNet Groper,分组网间探测)测试两个主机之间的连通性 TTL(Time To Live,生存时间)该字段指定 IP 包被路由器丢弃之前允许通过的最大网段数量内部网关协议RIP(Routing Information Protocol,路由信息协议) OSPF(Open Sortest Path First,开放最短路径优先)...
The chrono library contains a set of utility functions and types that deal with durations, clocks, and time points. One use case of this library is benchmarking code: std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> start, end; start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); // Some co...
// Mount / to ./www directoryautoret = svr.set_mount_point("/","./www");if(!ret) {// The specified base directory doesn't exist...}// Mount /public to ./www directoryret = svr.set_mount_point("/public","./www");// Mount /public to ./www1 and ./www2 directoriesret =...