As the function ignores the case sensitivity of characters, the result would be greater than 0, indicating that the first string "C++" is greater than the second string "Java". Package/library: MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) library.C++ (Cpp) CString::CompareNoCase - 30 examples found. ...
SSearchParams* CSearchParamsWnd::GetParameters() { CString strExpression; m_ctlName.GetWindowText(strExpression); strExpression.Trim(); if (!IsValidEd2kString(strExpression)){ AfxMessageBox(GetResString(IDS_SEARCH_EXPRERROR) + _T("\n\n") + GetResString(IDS_SEARCH_INVALIDCHAR), MB_ICON...
In Windows we can get filenames // "header.h" and "Header.h" and must compare them as identical. for (int i = 0; i < mModel.rowCount(); i++) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (QString::compare(mModel.item(i, 0)->text(), name, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) #else if (mModel.i...
StringRegistryValue 笔划 StrokeOpacity StrongHierarchy StrongNameKey 结构 StructureInternal StructurePrivate StructureProtected StructurePublic StructureSealed StructureShortcut StyleBlock 样式 表 SubReport SubReportParamater 下标 替换 SubtractFront SubtractMember SubtractMemberFormula 摘要 SummaryView 上标 S...
else if (!QString::compare("关闭所有提示音", action->text())) { MyApp::m_bPlaySound = false; //m_tcpSocket->ColseConnected(); } } void MainWindow::SltQuitApp() { qDebug() << "MainWindow::SltQuitApp"; qApp->quit(); ...
this->setWindowTitle("回音消除 v"+QString::number(VerNum).insert(1,tr("."))); QHBoxLayout* lay = new QHBoxLayout;QGridLayout* lay_gbox = new QGridLayout; lay_gbox->setSpacing(2); // lay_gbox->addWidget(tab,0,0,1,3);/...
StringQuote StringRegistryValue Kontur StrokeOpacity StrongHierarchy StrongNameKey Yapı StructureCollection YapıInternal StructurePrivate Yapı Koruması StructurePublic Yapı Koruması StructureShortcut StyleBlock Stylesheet Alt SubReportParamater Altsimge Değiştirme SubtractFront ÇıkarmaÜ...
IgnoreTrimWhiteSpace Image ImageButton ImageCatalogGuid ImageCatalogGuidString ImageChisel ImageCrop ImageGenerator ImageGroup ImageIcon ImageLoader ImageMap ImageMapFile ImageTest ImmediateWindow Реализовано ImplementedOverridden Реализации ImplementingImplemented ImplementingOverridden Implem...
You simply pass the key and the value as string parameters and you are done. The newly set value object can be asked from the response object exactly the same way as in case of the reading (with the value() method). This way you can check for example the index value of your ...
How convert wstring to string How dll is shared between processes How do I change the background colour of a checkbox in MFC? How do I change the font size? How do I change the font? How do I change the text color f an box in WIN32 c++? How do I Compare two Dates How do i...