创建std::pair 对象,从实参类型推导目标类型。 推导结果类型 V1 与V2 是std::decay<T1>::type 与std::decay<T2>::type(即对按值传递的函数实参应用的常规类型变换),除非应用 std::decay 到某类型 X 产生std::reference_wrapper<X>,此时推导结果类型是 X&。 (C++11 起)...
m.insert(make_pair(1, "Z")); // 索引是原先没有的,直接插入;索引已经存在直接修改 m[22] = "X"; m[3] = "X"; // 当索引是不存在的值,成功插入;当索引已经存在,则不进行操作 m.emplace(pair<int, string>(21, "W")); m.emplace(pair<int, string>(1, "W")); map<int, string>::...
m.insert(make_pair(1, "Z")); // 索引是原先没有的,直接插入;索引已经存在直接修改 m[22] = "X"; m[3] = "X"; // 当索引是不存在的值,成功插入;当索引已经存在,则不进行操作 m.emplace(pair<int, string>(21, "W")); m.emplace(pair<int, string>(1, "W")); map<int, string>::...
(std::make_pair(i,j)); #endif // Create the particle filter pf_ = pf_alloc(min_particles_, max_particles_, alpha_slow_, alpha_fast_, (pf_init_model_fn_t)AmclNode::uniformPoseGenerator, (void *)map_); pf_set_selective_resampling(pf_, selective_resampling_); pf_->pop_err = ...
#include <iostream>#include <utility>intmain(){autop=std::make_pair(1,3.14);std::cout<<'('<<std::get<0>(p)<<", "<<std::get<1>(p)<<")\n";std::cout<<'('<<std::get<int>(p)<<", "<<std::get<double>(p)<<")\n";} ...
这将创建一个std::map对象,并使用初始化列表中的键值对对其进行初始化。可以根据需要提供多个键值对。 使用insert函数逐个插入元素: std::map<Key, Value> myMap; myMap.insert(std::make_pair(key1, value1)); myMap.insert(std::make_pair(key2, value2)); ... ...
N4387C++11some constructors were implicit-only, preventing some usesconstructors made conditionally-explicit See also make_pair creates apairobject of type, determined by the argument types (function template) (constructor) constructs a newtuple (public member function ofstd::tuple<Types...>)...
second; int a, b; for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) { cin>>a>>b; p[i] = make_pair(a*b, b); } sort(p.begin()+1, p.end()); vector<int> res(1, 0); vector<int> prod(1, 1); prod = mul(prod, p[0].first); for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) { res = maxVectorInt(...
A std::pair<T1, T2> or std::tuple<Ts...> typed variables will print all of its elements.The code:auto v0 = std::make_pair(10, 3.14); auto v1 = std::make_tuple(7, 6.28, "bla"); IC(v0, v1);will print:ic| v0: (10, 3.14), v1: (7, 6.28, "bla") Tuple like ...
push_back(std::make_pair(cs->value, bb)); } else if (ds != NULL) { // And complain if we've seen another 'default' label.. if (svi->defaultBlock != NULL) { Error(ds->pos, "Multiple \"default\" lables in switch statement."); return true; } else { // Otherwise create ...