remove (1) template<classForwardIt,classT=typenamestd::iterator_traits<ForwardIt>::value_type>ForwardIt remove(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last,constT&value){first=std::find(first, last, value);if(first!=last)for(ForwardIt i=first;++i!=last;)if(!(*i==value))*first++=std::move(*i)...
Remove ifdef inside cpp and format (seladb#1587)… 5692f82 clementperondeleted theclean_ifdefbranchSeptember 24, 2024 08:50 Dimi1010Dimi1010 approved these changes tigercosmostigercosmos approved these changes seladbseladb approved these changes ...
voidremove_if(UnaryPredicate p); (until C++20) template<classUnaryPredicate> size_type remove_if(UnaryPredicate p); (since C++20) Removes all elements satisfying specific criteria. Invalidates only the iterators and references to the removed elements. ...
llama-cli -m model.gguf -p"I believe the meaning of life is"-n 128 -no-cnv#I believe the meaning of life is to find your own truth and to live in accordance with it. For me, this means being true to myself and following my passions, even if they don't align with societal ex...
if(条件2) {主体2;}else{主体3;} switch cpp switch(选择句) {//选择句必须是一个整型表达式case标签1: {//标签必须是整型常量主体1;break;//break 语句进行中断,否则将会往下执行}case标签2: {主体2;break;}defaulf: {主体3;}} 循环 for
cmake : remove unused option GGML_CURL (#9011) 6个月前 gguf-py gguf-py : Numpy dequantization for most types (#8939) 6个月前 grammars readme : fix typo [no ci] (#8389) 7个月前 include ggml : move rope type enum to ggml.h (#8949) ...
CI: remove unneeded cppcheck premium suppressions (#6702) 6个月前 createrelease refs #13132 - release-windows.yml: fixed .qm handling for CMake [skip … 3个月前 doxyfile Fix typos (#1568) 6年前 generate_coverage_report rename externals/tinyxml to externals/tinyxml2 ...
To protect return addresses from leakage, the compiler extension needs to instrument instructions to copy return addresses to CPP pages and remove their value from the stack. According to our evaluation, this incurs high performance overhead. To reduce the performance overhead, we propose a new ...
#include <Rcpp.h> using namespace Rcpp; //[[Rcpp::export]] int fib_cpp_1(int n) { if(n==1||n==2) return 1; return fib_cpp_1(n-1)+fib_cpp_1(n-2); } 在R中只要调用 sourceCpp("fib_cpp_1.cpp") 于是我们又得到了一个fib_cpp_1函数。它跟fib_cpp_0的对比如下: > system...