所有接受迭代器对的算法现在都有接受范围的重载(例如 ranges::sort) begin + [0, size)– 计数的序列,例如 views::counted 返回的范围 [begin, 谓词)– 按条件终止的序列,例如 views::take_while 返回的范围 [begin, ..)– 无界序列,例如 views::iota 返回的范围 范围库包括急切应用到范围...
ranges::copy, ranges::sort, ... Execution policies (C++17) is_execution_policy (C++17) execution::seqexecution::parexecution::par_unseqexecution::unseq (C++17) (C++17)(C++17)(C++20) execution::sequenced_policyexecution::parallel_policyexecution::parallel_unsequenced_policyexecution::parallel_...
I stable_sort(I first, S last, Comp comp={}, Proj proj={}); (1)(since C++20) (constexpr since C++26) template<ranges::random_access_rangeR,classComp=ranges::less, classProj=std::identity> requiresstd::sortable<ranges::iterator_t<R>, Comp, Proj> ...
concept Sortable = requires(T a) { { std::sort(a.begin(), a.end()) } -> std::same_as<void>; }; // 这个概念要求T类型有begin()和end()方法,并且可以用std::sort函数进行排序 标准库中提供了上百种常用的概念,放在和等头文件中。比较常用的一些有:std::sa...
voidsort(ExecutionPolicy&&policy, RandomIt first, RandomIt last, Compare comp); (4)(C++17 起) 以非降序排序范围[first,last)中的元素。不保证维持相等元素的顺序。 1)按operator<(C++20 前)std::less{}(C++20 起)进行排序。 3)按comp进行排序。
1623B-GameOnRanges.cpp 1624A-PlusOneOnTheSubset.cpp 1624B-MakeAP.cpp 1624C-DivisionByTwoAndPermutation.cpp 1625A-AncientCivilization.cpp 1625B-ElementaryParticles.cpp 1626A-EquidistantLetters.cpp 1626B-MinorReduction.cpp 1627A-NotShading.cpp 1627B-NotSitting.cpp 1627C-NotAssigning.cpp 1629A-Downlo...
1623B-GameOnRanges.cpp 1624A-PlusOneOnTheSubset.cpp 1624B-MakeAP.cpp 1624C-DivisionByTwoAndPermutation.cpp 1625A-AncientCivilization.cpp 1625B-ElementaryParticles.cpp 1626A-EquidistantLetters.cpp 1626B-MinorReduction.cpp 1627A-NotShading.cpp 1627B-NotSitting.cpp 1627C-NotAssigning.cpp 1629A-Downlo...
Asymmetric ranges are usually easier to use than symmetric ones because of an important property: A range of the form [m, n) has n - m elements, and a range of the form [m, n] has n - m + 1 elements. This behavioral difference between asymmetric and symmetric ranges is particularly...
As such,std::ranges::sortrequires that the range you give it be arandom-access range: one where you can access any element in constant-time like you can withstd::vector. There’s a bunch of concepts in the standard library which can be used to check the access capabilities of a given...
As such,std::ranges::sortrequires that the range you give it be arandom-access range: one where you can access any element in constant-time like you can withstd::vector. There’s a bunch of concepts in the standard library which can be used to check the access capabilities of a given...