The current table gives more information and is more readable than the one at The colors they chose to categorize the operators are hardly distinguishable, using brighter colors would make the page look very messy.
Operator precedence is unaffected byoperator overloading. For example,std::cout<<a?b:c;parses as(std::cout<
Operatoren, die in derselben Zelle gelistet sind (es können auch mehrere Operatoren in einer Zelle aufgeführt sein), werden mit gleicher Priorität in der angegebenen Auswertungsrichtung ausgewertet. Beispielsweise wird der Ausdruck a=b=c aufgrund der Assoziativität von-rechts-nach-li...
operator precedence(运算符优先级) P pointer(指针) preprocessor(预处理器) prvalue(纯右值)(C++11 起) R rvalue(右值)(C++11 前) S scope(作用域) class(类作用域) block(块作用域) enumeration(枚举作用域) function prototype(函数原型作用域) ...
Table of operator precedence and associativity The below table is primarily meant to be a reference chart that you can refer back to in the future to resolve any precedence or associativity questions you have. Notes: Precedence level 1 is the highest precedence level, and level 17 is the lowes...
ASCII chart Basic concepts Comments Names(lookup) Types(fundamental types) Themainfunction Modules(C++20) Contracts(C++26) Expressions Value categories Evaluation order Operators(precedence) Conversions−Literals Constant expressions Statements if−switch ...
WGowi/Operator-precedence-grammarPublic Notifications Fork5 Star9 Files 1d30c63 .gitignore LICENSE in.txt main.cpp Breadcrumbs Operator-precedence-grammar / File metadata and controls 594 lines (561 loc) · 11.2 KB Raw Older
Operator Precedence Escape Sequences ASCII Chart Data Types Keywords Standard C Library Standard C I/O Standard C String & Character Standard C Math Standard C Time & Date Standard C Memory Other standard C functions All C Functions C++ C++ I/O C++ Strings Miscellaneous C++...
↑ sizeof 的运算数不能是类型转型:表达式 sizeof (int) * p 无歧义地转译成 (sizeof(int)) * p ,而非 sizeof((int)*p)。 ↑ 条件运算符中部(? 与: 之间)的表达式分析为如同加括号:忽略其相对于 ?: 的优先级。 ↑ 赋值运算符的左运算数必须是一元(第 2 级非转型)表达式。此规则在文法上禁止某...
The precedence of these operators is the same as that for C. In addition, the unary operator defined, can be used in constant-expression in these two forms: `defined ( name )' or `defined name'. This allows the effect of #ifdef and #ifndef directives (described below) in the #if dir...