std::tuple<VTypes...> make_tuple( Types&&... args ); (C++11 起) (C++14 起为 constexpr) 创建元组对象,从实参类型推导目标类型。 对于Types... 中的每个 Ti,Vtypes... 中的对应类型 Vi 为std::decay<Ti>::type,除非应用 std::decay 对某些类型 X 导致std::reference_wrapper<X>,该情况下推...
用tie解包tuple时用来跳过元素的占位符 (常量) 函数 make_tuple (C++11) 创建一个tuple对象,其类型根据各实参类型定义 (函数模板) tie (C++11) 创建左值引用的tuple,或将元组解包为独立对象 (函数模板) forward_as_tuple (C++11) 创建转发引用的tuple ...
在c++17以前,构造std::pair/std::tuple时必须指定数据类型或使用std::make_pair/std::make_tuple函数,c++17为std::pair/std::tuple新增了推导规则,可以不再显示指定类型。 // pre c++17 std::pair<int, std::string> p1{3.14, "pi"s}; auto p1 = std::make_pair(3.14, "pi"s); // c++17 std...
auto t = make_tuple( make_tuple(5), // first form make_pair(3, 'c'), // second make_tuple(1.0, 1, '1')); // third for (auto&& i : starmap(Callable{}, t)) { // ... }accumulateAdditional Requirements: Type return from functor (with reference removed) must be assignable....
autoadd = [](intx,inty) {returnx + y; };std::apply(add, std::make_tuple(1,2));//== 3 std::filesystem The newstd::filesystemlibrary provides a standard way to manipulate files, directories, and paths in a filesystem. Here, a big file is copied to a temporary path...
第一行是cmake的最低版本要求 第二行指定了项目名称,可以是别名 第三行是指定了编译版本,这里是C++ 11 第四行是加入执行器,需要两个参数,第一个参数必须是正确的项目名称,第二个参数是main函数所在位置,也就是执行器入口。 都设置好以后,开始执行,打出正确日志: /home/liuwenbin/work/CLionProjects/github....
#include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <tuple> int main() { auto x = std::make_tuple(1, "Foo", 3.14); // Index-based access std::cout << "( " << std::get<0>(x) << ", " << std::get<1>(x) << ", " << std::get<2>(x) << " )\...
std::tuple Member functions tuple::tuple tuple::operator= tuple::swap Non-member functions make_tuple tie forward_as_tuple tuple_cat operator==operator!=operator<operator<=operator>operator>=operator<=> (until C++20)(until C++20)(until C++20)(until C++20)(until C++20)(C++20) std::swap ...
ctx->pinned_memory.push_back(std::make_tuple(buf->ptr, size, buf)); return buf->ptr; } static void ggml_vk_host_free(ggml_backend_vk_context * ctx, void* ptr) { if (ptr == nullptr) { return; } #ifdef GGML_VULKAN_DEBUG ...