然后将 cpp-httplib 目录添加到你的 C++ 工程中。 示例代码 下面是一些基本示例,展示了如何使用 cpp-httplib 来创建 HTTP 服务器和发送 HTTP 请求。 创建HTTP 服务器 #include "httplib.h" using namespace std; using namespace httplib; int main() { Server svr; svr.Get("/hello", [](...
// server.cpp #include <iostream> #include "httplib.h" void handle_post(const httplib::Request& req, httplib::Response& res) { // 获取请求体数据 std::string body = req.body; // 在服务器端打印请求体数据 std::cout << "Received POST request with body: " << body << std::endl; ...
(https://ci.appveyor.com/project/yhirose/cpp-httplib) A C++11 header-only HTTP library. It’s extremely easy to setup. Just include httplib.h file in your code! Inspired by Sinatra and express. Server Example #include <httplib.h> int main(void) { using namespace httplib; Server svr;...
Server (Multi-threaded) #define CPPHTTPLIB_OPENSSL_SUPPORT #include "path/to/httplib.h" // HTTP httplib::Server svr; // HTTPS httplib::SSLServer svr; svr.Get("/hi", [](const httplib::Request &, httplib::Response &res) { res.set_content("Hello World!", "text/plain"); }); svr....
Server (Multi-threaded) #define CPPHTTPLIB_OPENSSL_SUPPORT #include "path/to/httplib.h" // HTTP httplib::Server svr; // HTTPS httplib::SSLServer svr; svr.Get("/hi", [](const httplib::Request &, httplib::Response &res) { res.set_content("Hello World!", "text/plain"); }); svr....
cpp-httplib实现文件上传 上面的静态文件服务实现了文件的下载,下面实现一下文件的上传upload 参考:examples目录下的upload.cc #include <httplib.h>#include<iostream>#include<fstream>usingnamespacehttplib;usingnamespacestd;constchar*html = R"( formElem.onsubmit...
9.39.1cpp-httplib VS C++ Workflow C++ Parallel Computing and Asynchronous Networking Framework Mongoose 9.39.5L3cpp-httplib VS Mongoose Embedded Web Server POCO 9.19.4L2cpp-httplib VS POCO The POCO C++ Libraries are powerful cross-platform C++ libraries for building network- and internet-based applic...
(https://ci.appveyor.com/project/yhirose/cpp-httplib) A C++11 header-only HTTP library. It’s extremely easy to setup. Just includehttplib.hfile in your code! Inspired by Sinatra and express. Server Example ...
#define CPPHTTPLIB_OPENSSL_SUPPORT #include "path/to/httplib.h" // HTTP httplib::Client cli("http://cpp-httplib-server.yhirose.repl.co"); // HTTPS httplib::Client cli("https://cpp-httplib-server.yhirose.repl.co"); auto res = cli.Get("/hi"); res->status; res->body;...
#define CPPHTTPLIB_OPENSSL_SUPPORT #include "path/to/httplib.h" // Server httplib::SSLServer svr("./cert.pem", "./key.pem"); // Client httplib::Client cli("https://localhost:1234"); // scheme + host httplib::SSLClient cli("localhost:1234"); // host httplib::SSLClient cli("...