Get("/about"); if (res && res->status == 200) { std::cout << res->body << std::endl; } // 发送POST请求 httplib::Headers headers = { { "Content-Type", "application/json" } // 设置请求头 MIME类型 }; std::string body = R"({"name": "John", "age": 30})"; // ...
httplib::Client cli("localhost", 8080, 5); // timeouts in 5 seconds 1. With Progress Callback httplib::Client client(url, port); // prints: 0 / 000 bytes => 50% complete std::shared_ptr<httplib::Response> res = cli.Get("/", [](uint64_t len, uint64_t total) { printf("%...
#include <httplib.h> #include <iostream> int main(void) { httplib::Client cli("localhost", 1234); auto res = cli.Get("/hi"); if (res && res->status == 200) { std::cout << res->body << std::endl; } } POST res = cli.Post("/post", "text", "text/plain"); res =...
application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xmlZlib Support'gzip' compression is available with CPPHTTPLIB_ZLIB_SUPPORT. libz should be linked.Brotli SupportBrotli compression is available with CPPHTTPLIB_BROTLI_SUPPORT. Necessary libraries should be linked. Please see
httplib::Params params; params.emplace("name", "john"); params.emplace("note", "coder"); auto res = cli.Post("/post", params);orhttplib::Params params{ { "name", "john" }, { "note", "coder" } }; auto res = cli.Post("/post", params);...
image/svg+xml application/javascript application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xmlZlib Support'gzip' compression is available with CPPHTTPLIB_ZLIB_SUPPORT. libz should be linked.Brotli SupportBrotli compression is available with CPPHTTPLIB_BROTLI_SUPPORT. Necessary libraries should be linked. Please...
POST with Multipart Form Datahttplib::MultipartFormDataItems items = { { "text1", "text default", "", "" }, { "text2", "aωb", "", "" }, { "file1", "h\ne\n\nl\nl\no\n", "hello.txt", "text/plain" }, { "file2", "{\n \"world\", true\n}\n", "world.json...
在httplib.h找到routing函数 从routing函数中找到req.method=="GET" || req.method=="HEAD" 添加read_content(strm, req, res);此方法写入body
我正在使用cpp-httplib,并且我正在尝试将文件上传到像https://ptsv2.com这样的post测试服务器。我并不真正理解关于文件上传的文档,我有点理解你必须使用Multipart/form-data才能上传文件。"application/octet-stream" }, auto res = cli.Post("/multipart ...
2019-12-25 23:50 − 零 根据 spring boot https,在pb协议 jdk序列化协议中代码新建一个json序列化springboot controller,并配置ssl 一 java HttpURLConnection 关于JAVA发送Https请求(HttpsURLCon... silyvin 1 2352 关于http与https 2019-12-20 16:54 − 1.什么是http 超文本传输协议,是一个基于请...