// client.cpp #include <iostream> #include "httplib.h" int main() { httplib::Client cli("localhost", 8080); // 发送GET请求 auto res = cli.Get("/"); if (res && res->status == 200) { std::cout << res->body << std::endl; } res = cli.Get("/about"); if (res && res...
cpp-httplib 支持以下主要特性: 高性能:cpp-httplib 使用多线程处理并发请求,以提高服务器性能。 简单易用:API 设计简洁明了,易于集成到现有 C++ 项目中。 支持HTTP/1.1 和 HTTPS 协议。 支持GET、POST、PUT、DELETE、PATCH、HEAD、OPTIONS 等 HTTP 方法。 支持自定义响应头和请求头。 支持读取和设置Coo...
Client#define CPPHTTPLIB_OPENSSL_SUPPORT #include "path/to/httplib.h" // HTTP httplib::Client cli("http://cpp-httplib-server.yhirose.repl.co"); // HTTPS httplib::Client cli("https://cpp-httplib-server.yhirose.repl.co"); auto res = cli.Get("/hi"); res->status; res->body; ...
Post(requests,"/post-request1","text","text/plain"); Post(requests,"/post-request2","text","text/plain");std::vector<Response> responses;if(cli.send(requests, responses)) {for(constauto& res: responses) { ... } } Redirect httplib::Clientcli("yahoo.com");autores = cli.Get("/"...
httplib::Client cli("localhost", 1234); auto res = cli.Get("/hi"); if (res && res->status == 200) { std::cout << res->body << std::endl; } }GET with HTTP headershttplib::Headers headers = { { "Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate" } }; auto res = cli.Get("/hi", head...
#define CPPHTTPLIB_OPENSSL_SUPPORT #include "path/to/httplib.h" // HTTP httplib::Client cli("http://cpp-httplib-server.yhirose.repl.co"); // HTTPS httplib::Client cli("https://cpp-httplib-server.yhirose.repl.co"); auto res = cli.Get("/hi"); res->status; res->body;...
问使用cpp-httplib上传文件ENSpringBoot 2.0版本 spring: servlet: multipart: enabled: tru...
cpp-httplib C++11 仅单个头文件的跨平台 HTTP/HTTPS 库 MIT 仅头文件; cmake FPNN Fast Programmable Nexus Network. 高性能全异步 RPC 服务框架。同时支持HTTP、WebSocket、TCP和可靠UDP。支持超高压服务器开发,有对应各语言客户端SDK。 make cpp-netlib cpp-netlib:C++ 网络库 BSL-1.0 cmake cpr 现代...
httplib::Client cli("http://cpp-httplib-server.yhirose.repl.co"); // HTTPS httplib::Client cli("https://cpp-httplib-server.yhirose.repl.co"); auto res = cli.Get("/hi"); res->status; res->body; SSL Support SSL support is available withCPPHTTPLIB_OPENSSL_SUPPORT.libsslandlibcryptosh...
You can change it with CPPHTTPLIB_THREAD_POOL_COUNT.If you want to set the thread count at runtime, there is no convenient way... But here is how.svr.new_task_queue = [] { return new ThreadPool(12); }; You can also provide an optional parameter to limit the maximum number of ...