从这些模板实例化的所有类型都满足随机数引擎(RandomNumberEngine)。 在标头<random>定义 linear_congruential_engine (C++11) 实现线性同余算法 (类模板) mersenne_twister_engine (C++11) 实现梅森缠绕器算法 (类模板) subtract_with_carry_engine (C++11) ...
尝试用随机数生成器或分布的 generate_random 成员函数生成随机数,这被期望更为高效。如果没有可用的 generate_random 成员函数则回落到生成逐个元素。 对(1) 或(3) 分别令后备操作为调用 ranges::generate(std::forward<R>(r), std::ref(g)) 或ranges::generate(std::forward<R>(r), [&d, &g] {...
std::uniform_random_bit_generator<std::remove_cvref_t<G>> constexpr O generate_random( O first, S last, G&& g, D&& d ); (4) (since C++26) Attempts to generate random numbers with the generate_random member function of the random number generator or the distribution, which is expec...
PCG-rand - PCG is a family of simple fast space-efficient statistically good algorithms for random number generation. Unlike many general-purpose RNGs, they are also hard to predict. [Apache] QuantLib - A free/open-source library for quantitative finance. [Modified BSD] website SimSIMD - Ve...
ranges::generate_random (C++26) fills a range with random numbers from a uniform random bit generator(niebloid) ranges::fill (C++20) assigns a range of elements a certain value(niebloid) ranges::fill_n (C++20) assigns a value to a number of elements(niebloid) ranges::transfo...
llama.cpp的主要目标是能够在各种硬件上实现LLM推理,只需最少的设置,并提供最先进的性能。提供1.5位、2位、3位、4位、5位、6位和8位整数量化,以加快推理速度并减少内存使用。 GitHub:https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp 克隆和编译 克隆最新版llama.cpp仓库代码 ...
1 var 2 Form1: TForm1; 3 Len10NumberList:TStringList; 4 5 implementation 6 7 {$R *.dfm} 8 9 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);10 begin11 Len10NumberList:=TStringList.Create;12 Randomize;13 end;14 15 function GenerateLen10Number:Int64;16 var17 rn1, rn2, rn3 : Int64...
PCG-rand - PCG is a family of simple fast space-efficient statistically good algorithms for random number generation. Unlike many general-purpose RNGs, they are also hard to predict. [Apache] QuantLib - A free/open-source library for quantitative finance. [Modified BSD] website SimSIMD - Ve...
random_state = 3407, use_rslora = False, # We support rank stabilized LoRA loftq_config = None, # And LoftQ ) 数据准备 我们现在使用 yahma 的Alpaca数据集,共包含 52K 条数据。 数据集如下: alpaca_prompt = """Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that pr...
PCG-rand - PCG is a family of simple fast space-efficient statistically good algorithms for random number generation. Unlike many general-purpose RNGs, they are also hard to predict. [Apache] QuantLib - A free/open-source library for quantitative finance. [Modified BSD] website SimSIMD - Ve...