namespaceN{template<classT>// primary templateclassX{/*...*/};template<>// specialization in same namespaceclassX<int>{/*...*/};template<classT>// primary templateclassY{/*...*/};template<>// forward declare specialization for doubleclassY<double>;}template<>// OK: specialization in...
namespaceX{namespaceM{voidg();// declares, but doesn't define X::M::g()}usingM::g;voidg();// Error: attempt to declare X::g which conflicts with X::M::g()} More generally, a declaration that appears in any namespace scope and introduces a name using an unqualified identifier...
- Declare `obj` without an initializer, such as `obj: some_type;`. This allocates stack space for the object, but does not construct it. - `obj` must have a definite first use on every `#!cpp if`/`#!cpp else` branch path, and - that definite first use must be of the form ...
The macros "DECLARE_DYNAMIC" and "IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC" can be renamed by means of the substitution table of the translator now. An obvious alternative would be to use the macros "DECLARE_DYNCREATE" and "IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE" also defined in the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC). The calculation o...
void forwardDeclare(const NominalTypeDecl *NTD, std::function<void (void)> Printer) { if (NTD->getModuleContext()->isStdlibModule()) return; auto &state = seenTypes[NTD]; if (state.second) return; Printer(); state.second = true; } bool forwardDeclare(const ClassDecl *C...
接着你就可以使用FLAGS_name变量了,这些变量的值则是由命令行参数传递,无则为默认值, 在其他代码文件中若想用该命令参数,可以用DECLARE_int32(name)声明(name为int32类型,也可以使用其他支持的类型)。 在caffe.cpp中有很多FLAGS_name定义,如DEFINE_string(gpu,"","some description"),则命令行后-gpu 0,表示FL...
<<深入浅出MFC>>这本书对MFC框架中宏的使用解析的很透彻,也让我们领略到宏的强大功能。可以参看DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP(), BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP,END_MESSAGE_MAP的实现。 4)#pragma的使用,例如用#pragma禁止掉无伤大雅的警告,用于可移植性的条件编译中。例如, ...
If this is the name of a class, structure, or enumeration, and it is used by a reference or pointer, write a forward declaration directly in the include file. In all other cases, include a file with the declaration of the corresponding class. The using namespace declaration is not allowed...
FetchContent_Declare( spine-runtimes GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG 4.2 GIT_SHALLOW TRUE)FetchContent_MakeAvailable(spine-runtimes)add_subdirectory(${spine-runtimes_SOURCE_DIR}/spine-cpp ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/spine-runtimes)# Create a simple C++ executable...
Output single value in "name: value" format (tip: freely declare more in your code to handle your types. you can add functions to the ImGui namespace) IMGUI_API void Value(const char* prefix, bool b); IMGUI_API void Value(const char* prefix, int v); ...