Cpp 中的 struct 不同于 C 中的 struct,cpp 的 struct 被扩展为类似 class 的类说明符。 结构体是一系列成员元素的组合体,允许存储不同类型的数据项,成员变量可以是各种数据类型,包括整数、浮点数、字符串、其他结构体等,所以你可以根据需要定义自己的结构体来组织数据。 定义结构体 cpp structMyStruct{//定义...
void F(int); void F(int*); F(nullptr); // 调用 F(int*) auto result = Find(id); if (result == nullptr) { // Find() 返回的是 指针 // do something } 规则10.1.4 使用using而非typedef在C++11之前,可以通过typedef定义类型的别名。没人愿意多次重复std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<...
std::vector Defined in header<vector> template< classT, classAllocator=std::allocator<T> >classvector; (1) namespace { template<classT> usingvector=std::vector<T,std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<T>>; } (2) (since C++17) 1)std::vectoris a sequence container that encapsulates dynamic siz...
NanoVG - Antialiased 2D vector drawing library on top of OpenGL for UI and visualizations. [Zlib] Ogre 3D ⚡ - A scene-oriented, real-time, flexible 3D rendering engine (as opposed to a game engine) written in C++. [MIT] website OpenSceneGraph - An open source high performance 3D grap...
master edge v1-multicast-faster-send-timeout dev 1.4.6 1.4.4 1.4.2 1.4.0 v1.1.5-live-roots 1.2.12 1.2.10 1.2.8 1.2.6 cust-ixia 1.2.4 1.2.2 1.2.0 1.1.17-pre1.2.0 1.1.14 1.1.12 1.1.10 1.1.8 ZeroTierOne / selftest.cpp selftest.cpp 115.45 KB ...
//自定义类型使用现有的STL容器vector,93.2%,24ms //让每个元素都记录下自己以下的栈的最小值,这样可以在O(1)中得到最小值 public: struct StackElement { int value; //每个子栈的最小值保存在元素内 int min; StackElement(int v, int m) { value = v; min = m; } }; MinStack() { } void...
struct UnityEngine_Vector3_StaticFields *static_fields; // x8 System_String_array *split_hit_data; // x0 int max_length; // w8 System_String_array *split_hit_data1; // x20 unsigned int v19; // w24 System_String_o *v20; // x0 ...
The best partitioning remains to be seen, likely from experimentation, but the basis of this is thetable. Thetabletracks hashes inserted into it subject to a permutation associated with the table. This permutation is described as a vector of bitmasks of contiguous bit ranges, whose populations ...
enumETempEnum{One,Two,};//通过枚举类型的名字找到它的COD(class object default)constUEnum*EnumPtr=FindObject<UEnum>(ANY_PACKAGE,TEXT("ETempEnum"),true);if(EnumPtr){FStringStr=EnumPtr->GetNameStringByIndex(ETempEnum::Two);}//FString To UEnumconstUEnum*EnumPtr=FindObject<UEnum>(ANY_PACKA...
提交 .github/workflows refactor:project dir 4个月前 .workflow fix:gitee cicd 4个月前 old refactor:project dir 4个月前 test fix:cicd problem 4个月前 third_party refactor:project dir 4个月前 .config.vim refactor:project dir 4个月前 ...